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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Then why don't we disable your internet access so you have no distractions?
  2. If I ever get any power with the British people, government or space program, I will make them fund and build the Skylon in Britain. It would make jobs building them, what's not to like?
  3. The first Russian and American jet programs were all knockoffs of the British one at the start. Though the Russians started with semi-jets, fitting liquid propellant rockets to their test planes, the I-250.
  4. Ahh, I can't quite remember the name of that. Wonder why they chose the pusher design for it rather than the conventional puller. The 4 30mm cannons in it pack a very heavy punch. a single shot could take down a plane. I've flown that aircraft in a few games, always very agile. Edit: Top Gear, yay!!! But the real British space program should invest in this:
  5. Granted, we then plant nuclear bombs in all the world croissants to stop you from asking for them. I wish to be able to get my Mun rocket to work. (That would work but the engineering project needed for that would take years and loads of materials, both things 1944 Germany did not have.)
  6. They came up with some interesting inventions to defeat the bomber streams. There was the Me 162 Koment or the Bachem Ba 349 Natterm rocket powered interceptors: They also had unguided rockets and bombs to use against the bomber streams.
  7. WOW Any more unusual planes for us chobit?
  8. This is weird: A fighter and yet all the weapons are in the turret. Edit: Interesting video, nice use of ground effect for take off.
  9. Granted, but all knowledge of it was destroyed when France was invaded. I wish for more time. ( When the planes left the tunnel or went in to try and enter it, they would still of been vulnerable)
  10. Never seen that before, what on earth is it?
  11. Because they were the I-15 and I-16, outdated biplane and early monoplanes. Had 4 .303 calibre machine guns each.
  12. Ahh, yes, the Zveno, link, experiments. They saw some combat experience attacking a bridge once. Don't try to best me at WW2 plane knowledge
  13. Yes, the Il-2 Shturmovik was a great ground attack aircraft but it was extremely vunreable. The experiences of german pilots fighting them is also very intresting. Erich Hartmann, who had 352 victories, said about them in a interview about his time on the eastern front: "flew like B-17 in formation and didn't attempt to make any evasive manoeuvres. And all they had was one peashooter in the back of each plane. The peashooter was no threat unless they had a very lucky hit on you. I didn't open fire til the filled my whole windscreen. If I did this, I would get one every time."
  14. .............................. Calm down chobit, its just a flag. No need to explode Lederhosens.
  15. Shame that people ignored the axis aircraft after WW2. There were some very interesting ones like the wooden He162 or the world first jet bomber-Ar 234 Blitz. Or even the Me 163 Komet. It would be nice to see that surviving 52. The earlier aircraft like the Bf 109 or the Fw 190 are interesting as well... And also, WHAT!?!?!?!? Edit: Nice flag, like the design of the eagle on it.
  16. Granted, you have nothing to wish for. I wish for even more WW2 plane discussions ( The ME262 could easily be destroyed at takeoff or landing, the earlier jets had a bad acceleration rate and couldn't escape or manoeuvre. The engines also lasted for 30 hours)
  17. Likely the only kill for a C-47. But it was a good transport. Which is better, the C-47 or the Ju-52?
  18. Banned for not realising chobit has given you a different nickname.
  19. True, but the Zero/Reisen did have a much more lighter armour than other fighters. A few shots anywhere on it would take it out, so a quick snapshot could take it out rather than just damage another, heavier plane. It would be more vulnerable to any shots, as a result of the armour, small arms included. One was shot down with a BAR from a C-47 once. I think the elevators would lock up if the Zero/Reisen went to fast though. It was one of the best carrier fighters of WW2 with a 12:1 Kill ratio as a result of its legendary manoeuvrability though.
  20. Granted, you read the minds of all the people on the forums and die from fear. I wish for more WW2 plane discussions.
  21. Sun can be good if you attack with it behind you. Zeros are very manoeuvrable but a few shots and they would be shot down. Can't the jets just use their speed to fly away? And a rocket powered interceptor? That would be fun to fly, as long as you could control the plane while at high speeds and the fuel doesn't run out or explode.
  22. Nickname to banned for giving a satcharna.
  23. It is? I thought it's just a discussion about WW2 aircraft, or at least at the moment.
  24. Banned for giving satcharna a nickname
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