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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. I been addicted to all the special edition flavours, haven't had the mint ones for ages.
  2. Tic-Tacs are very nice. I think I've developed a mild addiction to them. But Chobits going to kill you for saying anything bad about Toblerones.
  3. Warning, Warning, no wish detected, shutting down..... I wish people would wish.
  4. Attach a seat to a SRB and let Jeb have fun
  5. Granted, it doesn't sell as other big titles have come out at the same time and the mainstream players don't notice. I wish for it to be the afternoon already.
  6. Granted, but you suddenly develop a resistance to hot foods and the rest of your taste buds are burnt out. I wish for SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCEEEE!
  7. Banned for being a Physicist.
  8. Isn't there a picture of you in the Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) split of thread?
  9. They also have regenerative abilities to respawn after apparent deaths. Also, their lead head can survive a fall from any height if they land on it.
  10. We're talking about getting smelling salts in various Toblerone smells. You can have it in milk, dark or limited edition Toblerone.
  11. Sure, and would you like some limited edition Tobelorone smelling salts with that?
  12. You can even get undernotes of smells to accompany the chocolate, such as caramel, fruit and nut or nougat, all the usual smells associated with chocolate.
  13. They all have ammonium carbonate in them as the active compound but you can have different smelling ones like chocolate or peaches if you want.
  14. The Kerbal used to be a astronaut like you, then he took a rocket to the knee. Yes, I had to say it
  15. If any nation did this then we would be living on Mars right now.
  16. Edit: Cant get the hang of quotes and posting still
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