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Everything posted by Kilmeister

  1. I almost always end up going for a domination victory. I try for other conditions, but some other civilization inevitably attacks me and sets me in motion.
  2. Saicarg! sertel zeid ed ominim nu yah, osuhc!
  3. neibmat lecrac al ne atse labrek arto le euq rop?
  4. If something truly is reusable then yes, it's worth investing in it. The concept of staging is wasteful by nature, but that's the only way so far we have found to achieve orbit. The concept of reusability is great, but so far it hasn't been realized. I'm confident we will be able to put that into practice some day. That was the intention of the shuttle program, which turned out that the shuttle wasn't really "Reusable" in the sense that it took more money to get it ready again for flight status than it was worth. But it was a very important first step in the advancement of reusable spacecraft.
  5. It's quickly ascending the list, but still a long way to go. #1. World of Warcraft - I don't even want to know how many hours I have in this, but played it since beta and still do occasionally. #2. Tribes 2 - No stat counter, but I'm still playing it occasionally and it came out in 2001. #3. Transport Tycoon - The game came out in 1994 and I still play it occasionally so it's gotta be up there (I include OpenTTD combined with the original) EVE Online - Not sure where this fits. But probably somewhere between Tribes and Civ. I've started and quit this game many times so it's difficult to judge. The rest I'll go by steam stats: #4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2: 344 Hours #5. Civilization 5: 280 Hours #6. Planetside 2: 180 Hours #7. Team Fortress 2: 153 Hours #8. Skyrim 150 Hours #9. Kerbal Space Program: 132 Hours
  6. This game needs an instant replay feature. I just experienced my most spectacular fail to date: I was launching a heavy lift rocket, but somehow subassembly loader decided to unattach most of my fuel transfer lines. So I started my ascent just fine then at about 6k I started to spin a little, and soon it was a heavy end to end tumble. By this time one of my mainsail boosters was empty, but it's twin was still full. So I hit the stage button and a nearly full mainsail booster took off away from my ship and my empty one fell harmlessly away. I then was able to stabilize my ascent and I think I had a small chance at actually reaching LKO... But the booster I had ejected had another idea. He had apparently gotten the memo that I wasn't going to space today and executed a perfect loop-d-loop. And after about 10-15 seconds I noticed he was coming back around to remind me of this fact. He bowled a perfect strike into the rest of the rocket shattering it to bits. So in conclusion. If just one booster says he doesn't feel like going to space today, just tossing him aside doesn't always solve the problem. So wish i had recorded this.
  7. This is why Kerbals are better than humans... No human would volunteer to conduct such important scientific research.
  8. Yes, Fel's idea sounds great.
  9. Not really. They already know it's a one way trip. The time on the planet is just gonna be shorter than previously anticipated.
  10. The LHC doesn't fall 80KM into the ocean when you turn it off.
  11. Only if you have the combination to the air shield.
  12. Maglev. I think the concept is just how to build a massive rail system. The actual launch vehicle just rides it as if were a static track (it being metal).
  13. Something this big that even has a slight possibility of a total catastrophic failure will never be built. If you lose a rocket it's a bad day. If you have a massive international construction project that would take years to produce suddenly flies apart it's not like "oops chain snapped.... okay guys, lets set it back up again for another go"
  14. Interesting concept, never heard of it before. Looks like it could be worth a shot if we need to get an extreme amount of payload into orbit like in the far future when humanity wants to settle Mars or something. But for now, even though they say that it needs no exotic materials, any engineering project that spans over 2,000k is going to have a lot of engineering obstacles to overcome. My first thought for why it won't work is that if you need to service it you have to drop the cables... into the ocean(no need to go into details of difficulties there). And there's no way you could put this over any stretch of land.
  15. First orbit was late on the night i first got it... so a few hours.... I was doing rather terrible turn though. I just went straight up to about 100km then turned sideways. So I made it to orbit with an actually not that innificient rocket design, but with little fuel to spare at the end. I made a landing on the mun after about a week. had made 3 attempts before but all of them ended up as a fireball on the mun's surface.
  16. I'm sure your Kerbals will enjoy the pleasant trip through Eve's atmosphere strapped on the outside of the rockets Something like this?
  17. This is planned to be part of the base game in the future, but right now that mod is the only way.
  18. I was inspired! And I thought it also needed more Jets. Here's Raikkonen Kerman in his new car And of course the obligatory Kerbal end result picture
  19. I only caught the very end of it after reading about it here. tuned in to see an empty pad.
  20. Okay, I got an easy one. "Kilmeister Space Program" But, need a Panama flag device or somehow incorporated into the theme.
  21. Waiting on Duna for return window(I sorta forgot to pack any fuel in the lander so the return trip is going to be iffy because I used my orbiter's fuel to fill the lander)
  22. You can use the Fernando Torres method to convert Dollars to pounds $75,480,000.00 $2.99 --------------- = ------ x= £1.98 £50,000,000.00 x
  23. Thank you all for wasting 20 minutes of my life this morning. I think I shall now attempt to actually get some code written in an attempt to not be fired.
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