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Everything posted by ANWRocketMan

  1. I'm having a problem with this(simplified) piece of code: DECLARE X. DECLARE I. DECLARE T. SET X TO 9. SET I TO 10. SET T TO 0. UNTIL X < 1 { SAS OFF. LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,T + I,0). WAIT 5. //WAIT UNTIL ROUND(UP:PITCH + T + I) = ROUND(FACING:PITCH). SET T TO T + I. SET X TO X - 1. SAS ON. } How do I fix the WAIT statement to actually wait until the facing of the ship is equal to the incremental angle. Currently, that WAIT statement just does not work. Having to wait 4 or 5 seconds per increment is not very nice. And such a fixed wait time does not work if you're turning through 180 degrees. EDIT: I was thinking i might get the difference between FACING PITCH and the incremental pitch(UP PITCH + T + I), then WAIT UNTIL that difference is smaller than a certain number(say, within 1 degree). But it would seem that WAIT UNTIL does not account for things that happened just before it in the loop. Whenever I use one that might work, it just runs through the loop without even allowing the statements before it to run. EDIT 2: There is another problem. I want to use this method because I want to allow for the use of a Speed modifier. This is so that kOS doesn't just rip apart a large vessel or an unstable one when this is used.
  2. How the hell did you make that terrain? It's much too close to be the normal mountains, and much too steep too! Beautiful! Can't wait. You're doing us all a very, very big favour here @NathanKell. Just amazing.
  3. There are configs for stretchy tanks. I found a conflict when using the patch for it though where you can't set some of the tanks' values, but the one fully re-sizeable one is completely useable, along with the SRB. The F-1 engine just doesn't have configs for it.
  4. It might be possible to do a raycast straight out the back and use that to determine the distance.
  5. My heavy rockets have some additional RCS in the stage tanks, with linear ports(to each side) so I can steer it once out of the thick atmosphere where my pitch and yaw is provided for by fins/stabilizers. It seems to work quite well, bar the added weight.
  6. I've noticed several non-zero line numbers so far. But only when using a loop. It seems to reset the line counter with every execution of the loop, so as @SacredAarvark said, it gives the line of the error WITHIN a loop, not within the program. It seems that if the error is not in a loop: Line 0. Every time.
  7. Hmm, yes. Should work. Thank you. Does MaxThrust return a value in kN or N? Or is there another method to retrieve the current thrust besides (MAXTHRUST * THROTTLE)? I'm using this check to see if my effective vertical thrust exceeds the gravitational pull on the rocket: IF MAXTHRUST*THROTTLE*SIN(FACING:PITCH) > (MASS*gravitational acceleration)/1000 AND { //Decrease pitch(must not exceed 4 degree change as this will cause the rocket to flip out)/thrust(if thrust exceeds MaxG) so that you have a ratio of horizontal to vertical thrust of at least 1.5. } This is run within an additional loop that checks every 0.1 seconds and does certain things to prevent the exceeding of MaxG and checks whether apoapsis is reached. It also stages the rocket(problem: I'm using MFT and Realistic Fuels). I want to add code to check for launch irregularities(too large facing change since last tick or loss of thrust[unless while staging]) and activate the abort sequence. NOTE: I haven't tested it yet! BTW, how do get the return value for the current gravitational acceleration? Can I get this from an Accelerometer?
  8. @Sma: Ah, ok. I haven't seen it save new volumes., So I guess it's not so much to load the programs from Archive at launch. On another point: WHat function/variable should I call to get the current pitch and heading values? For example, if I have set my steering to an R(0,70,180) degrees, how can I check whether the rocket is now pointing in that direction? I want to halt the execution of my programme until that is met. I'm using FAR and Real Size Kerbin so I have to do a very gradual gravity turn or I will flip out. in addition, i'm writing a launch programme that has the inputs of what inclination and orbital altitude you want to launch to. It limits your acceleration to a value you want and starts the gravity turn at a specified altitude. I'm busy writing the method to also check that the TWR is high enough to sustain the current pitch, and adjust the thrust and/or pitch to compensate for it. I will let you know how that goes. @ThrFoot: I absolutely agree! It's amazing!
  9. Just a quick question: So, my scripts are saved to the Archive volume fine, but can new volumes be saved permanently? Or do I have to copy all the necessary scripts at the start of each launch? It doesn't seem to save new volumes, even after saving the game, starting the launch etc.
  10. Try playing with the ablative shield values a bit. I usually try to go as shallow as possible, so I can keep my temperature low enough. it's a balancing act to not exceed the G's or overheat. The ablative shielding burns off, but you can still overheat if the shockwave gets too hot. The heatshield can't handle everything, it will gain heat and transfer heat to the pod(I think). Until @ferram4 updates FAR for that, the heavier side of the pod slips into the wind stream, so having a parachute on top will unbalance the pod and make it turn around. Try using SAS or somehow add 4 linear RCS thrusters and some RCS to help stabilize the pod during re-entry. You could also try adding some weight to the bottom of the pod or using fins, although they might just burn off.
  11. @BloodBunny: You probably need to re-enter at a shallower angle. @theSpeare: I'm thinking that's the same bug that happened with the launch bug that was fixed in v2.1(It think). On that point... @NathanKell: Is DR disabled for the first second after switching to a new vessel? If not, would it be possible to add?
  12. Will the resized planets we currently have be released before the additional gas planets(Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are added?
  13. @NathanKell: Have you settled for the sizes/positioning of the smaller bodies yet(Moho - Duna)?
  14. That does work beautifully! i used to attach them to small octagonal struts surface-attached to the tanks, I sometimes had problems with the fuel tanks not wanting to accept straight strut connections.
  15. There are some pretty good F-1 models somewhere on the forum. Forgot who made them.
  16. My bet: mars will become our Lifeboat. It should technically be possible to create the technologies to move large amounts of people to Mars and construct necessary infrastructure there. Then, once we are there we all watch the fireworks and watch Earth be destroyed, then the terraforming of Mars can start(which will take a couple thousand years I suppose). There are social nd economic problems to overcome first. But hopefully many Abrahamic religionists would not want to come along, so that makes it easier.
  17. Depends on your TWR, size, how much control the rocket has etc. etc. I just fly manually, it's easier to adjust to it that way.
  18. It would only become viable if Career mode with a monetary system comes along. Unless you're role-playing. Everything is better with role-playing!
  19. I get better performance with it! The surface does not render in such detail from LKO now. Even while launching I get better performance!
  20. Was the lander at all inspired by the TROY mission concept(not done by NASA as far as I know) OR more by the old Apollo era mission concept lander?
  21. What I mean is not the drogue chute, then the main chutes open. What I mean is the time it takes the main chutes to open fully. At 2:03 they are still unopened, at 2:08 they are opened further, increasing the drag a little, then only at 2:13 do we see them opening to the full extent. In KSP we get the first bit and then instantly at 500m the last one, but this causes 15+ G's almost every time considering you're re-entering and slowing down to maybe 90m/s when this full deployment happens. It would be nice to have another level in between at a higher altitude to decrease the G-force load.
  22. This is just a small thing that has bugged me about parachutes, especially when trying to land more than just a capsule. It would be nice to have staged parachute deployment so that you don't get a sudden shock of 15+ G's 500m above the surface. This animation of Orion's EFT-1 shows it well: The parachutes don't instantly open to full expansion. How possible would this be to implement? Either through Stock parts or, if need be, using a plugin/mod.
  23. This is of course for career mode only as soon as a monetary system is implemented. My problem with using KAS is when you have, for example, a rocket with three core stages and two side boosters. It's unstable enough when not using Joint Reinforcement. Having to somehow crane it up and re-attach in some ugly way...
  24. @NathanKell: Maybe make a poll for 1:1 or 64%? I'd vouch for 1:1, I don't see the problem with that. I don't have all that much time to play now, but I have experienced "no"(besides the standard kerbal problems) problems with launching so far. Not to mention docking is much more intuitive, I find it exhilirating! Especially considering the fact that the ground reference frame does not shift so quickly either. Launching is more fun too, at least, when using Joint Reinforcement. Suggestions for planets: Minmus and Gilly: Resize both of them and move them to orbits around Duna, this could then be analogs for Phobos and Deimos. Ike: Move Ike to Jool. Dres: Dres could become either A: another moon around Jool(WE NEED MOONS) or B: Rescale so that it can represent Ceres(you might want to switch Dres and Eeloo around). EE: The rest of the planets simply become analogs for the planets in order: Mercury(Moho), Venus(Eve), Earth(Kerbin), Mars(Duna), Ceres(Dres), Jupiter(Jool and all its moons as internal analogs) and Pluto(Eeloo). Just a bonus three images: http://i.imgur.com/zVqgcHV.png A perfect launch! The Launcher is slightly underpowered, i need to use around 170m/s dV from the "Kerion" CTV. that leaves it with 350m/s dV for orbital maneuvering. http://imgur.com/YvnvUtz Doing a slightly more realistic low dV rendevouz over several orbits! http://i.imgur.com/nTVL66i.png An absolutely perfect docking!
  25. @nathanKell: Could I possibly make some for Near Future Propulsion pack?(I'm making and testing some this weekend) Or is that already planned?
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