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Everything posted by ANWRocketMan

  1. This is an interplanetary transfer vessel. It crashed on launch but the crew survived!
  2. Welcome to Strauss Orbital Industries! Here at SOI we focus intently on quality, expertise and impressive ways of ending it all. Our top scientists, engineers and test pilots work day and night to deliver top-quality products. Our services range from orbital repairs, launch facilities, launch and fleet vehicles and a free-of-charge burn unit. See our product list below for detailed information on our entire fleet. ---------------------------------------------- Strauss Industries Defense Initiative Destroyers: MD-1 "Initiative" "NO AEROBRAKING REQUIRED!" - Leading Engineer The "Initiative" is our first and foremost destroyer-class vessel. It has repeat-transfer inter-planetary capability and a modular design that allows it to be configured to its mission. Technical Specs: Delta-V[Fully Fueled]: 8800m/s Mass[Fully Fueled]: 71.2t Mass[Empty]: 20.2t Thrust: 100kN(Kerbin-TWR = 0.17) Part Count: 130 Crew Capacity: 3 Docking Ports: 6 Cost: $82 750 000.00 Capability: 1x Large Docking Port - Additional Fuel or Propulsion Unit 5x Standard Docking Ports - For additional Cargo, Ammunition or Weapon Systems and refeuling capability. 8800m/s Delta-V - Return-journey to Jool, local combat and moon-transfer capable. 71.2t mass - Lightweight vessel for easy launch and use. EasyMove Rail-system - Simplified movement of EVA'd Kerbals around the ship. 2x Weapon Launch Tubes - Can hold 2x Capital-class torpedoes or up to 10x Fire-and-forget projectiles. RCS System - Rapid positioning and high-speed weapon evasion capability. Launch Manual: Disable RCS-fule in the topmost tank. Activate RCS system. Activate engines and launch. Keep the launch vehicle pointed within the porgrade vector circle(this is quite difficult and labour-intensive). Wait until about 12-15km altitude to start gravity-turn(you WILL lose control in thicker atmosphere). Use vessel-fuel to complete orbital insertion(light-refueling required). Drop the orbital-insertion engine if required. Launch additional modules, weapons and ammunition. DIE KRAKEN SCUM! DIE! Gallery: Crash-Protection Technology ensures crew-survival.* Payload-expansion allows for additional cargo, fuel, propulsion units or weapons-systems. Built-in small weapons tubes allow Capital-class torpedoes.** Low-level payload delivery allows low-risk attacks on surface bases. ORDER NOW! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/strauss-md-1-initiative-destroyer/ (while stocks last) *Warranty void in the event of an accident or crash. **MechJeb Guidance Computer not included. ----------------------------------------------
  3. Mine works fine... I didn't change anything... In 0.20.2 with KW 2.4
  4. Something flat, like the Ox-Stat solar panel or something. To place on compact rovers or such.
  5. Thanks so much for the update! p.s. Would it be possible to make a very small ground-based survey unit? That doesn't stick out like the normal scanners?
  6. Thanks for your trouble! We appreciate your work.
  7. This looks epic! Good quality and aesthetics.
  8. The bright colours seem a little strange... Maybe dull them down a bit? Otherwise, great work!
  9. @Killerblonde I think it's better it stay attached... It jettisons anything below it(reverse of a normal decoupler).
  10. @Winston, sometimes I use the SRB nosecone quite often. It's nice for adding additional engines to a first or later stage, and sometimes on other end things that are not SRBs. It's a nice part.
  11. @Winston, this is the best rocket (p)arts pack out there. Thanks for going through the trouble of updating it and all. A lot of us appreciate it a lot!
  12. Yeah... I did notice the G-spike though... I understand now why the "kill on high G" thing is important... EDIT: By the way, does the Ablative Resource have any effect on the heatshield/heating effects? Would be nice... So far I haven't noticed anything...
  13. I'm having a bit of a problem. There seems to be very little challenge in this... Unfortunately. Using the FAR mod from an orbit of 14 000 000m x -300m(beyond Munar orbit), re-entry speed of about 3 700m/s, I get a max temp of 1800C. No damage, no problem. Using the 2.5m shield and Mk1-2 Pod. EDIT: How can I make it more challenging? I'm not sure what exactly t change.. Just max temp of the parts? I love the more dynamic system though!
  14. Yes, I can use internet on the computer and on the phone through WiFi(mobile data turned off). Anyway, thanks for the great mod! Works on the other computers in the network!
  15. This is awesome! However, I cannot for the life of me get my Android phone to connect to the local server through WiFi or USB tethering. I even tried port forwarding and connecting from the outside. Nothing... Any ideas?
  16. @TommyGun Stupid question, but, did you activate the converter?
  17. I found that 3000m.s^-2 delta-V is enough for a 100x100km orbit if you have high enough TWR and an ascent path that allows a high TWR. If you can get some good delta-V in your last stage you can then push your orbit up much easier.
  18. What modifications need to be made to mod parts concerning their stock drag values etc.?(not wings, just fuel tanks and the like).
  19. I'm having a huge problem with the LH2 and Nuclear engines... The mass of the dry tank is so low that the delta-V I get from a Tank of LH2 on a Nuclear engine is ridiculously low, while a standard engine provides three times the TWR and sometimes 10 times the delta-V. Which is very, very weird and unrealistic.
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