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Galileo Kerbonaut

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Everything posted by Galileo Kerbonaut

  1. I am having very little problems with re-entry and I wish it would be a bit harder. I haven't tried an SSTO yet so that might be different.
  2. And if brakes alone aren't enough, you can always use some chutes.
  3. I use permanent tanks so whenever something is in LKO and still has a lot of fuel in it (e.g. a failed test craft) can dump its fuel in the station before landing.
  4. I wish I knew how I can change the status. I can land and take off from Eve, but I don't know how to use the forum
  5. There is indeed a service module beneath the chutes, but the chutes themselves are mounted on the MK1. I replaced them just a little higher and now they're working fine. Good to know for rocket future builds.
  6. Using a rocket that I used several times before without any problem, I set in the de-orbiting maneuver with confidence. Coming in at a nice 20 degree angle with a velocity of aprox. 2300 m/s. Re-entry without a problem, ready to deploy the chutes at a true altitude of 2500 m - speed 210 m/ and ... chutes fail to open; bye Jeb. It has worked fine before and absolutely nothing has been changed to the design of the rocket. Message: radial chute cannot deploy while stowed What happened?
  7. At first I used the auto pilot a lot and by watching what it did, I learned a great deal. Then I started using it for docking and for some reason it always made a great mess out if it. I was forced to dock myself and it was very hard for me learn... it literally took me days. Feeling the success of manually docking, made me long for more so I started piloting myself and all I used was the read-outs. When I knew how to do things manually I switched back to MJ again for the more boring launches, like flying the same rockets over and over again to assemble a space station. I still use it to this day. I think everyone should use whatever mod he/she pleases to enjoy the game. Using MechJeb is a personal choice and there are many uses for it other than auto-pilot. And even if people only use the auto-pilot, I couldn't care less. Their game, not mine.
  8. I'd prefer the mod to stay as it is. Simple and to the point. Some things just don't need to be altered. The idea of this whole mod is to avoid grinding contracts and still make some money.
  9. Here's some positive feedback, I have a feeling you can use it. Playing since 0.19. The game has come a long way since then and a lot of improvements have been made. I enjoy every second of my KSP time and I would like to nominate this game for "best game of the century". There are very few games that I spend over 2000 hours of my time in. And I learned so much in those 2k hours all while having a lot of fun. I remember playing Millennium 2.2 which awakened my interest in space travel as a kid... never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined a game like KSP ever to become reality. Really, I can't thank you enough.
  10. I am definitely a rocket guy. From 0.19 until now I'd say I spend 90% of my time on building and flying rockets.
  11. Very interesting mod. Just like the OP, I like working with a budget but am not too thrilled with contracts. With this I can set my own goals and make some money.
  12. Short answer: the new aerodynamics. Here's a video on it:
  13. Congratulations with your 3D Kerbal. Now I'm gonna order one for myself which of course was the whole idea behind this contest.
  14. Yes and no. I like the interior shaking, but I've disabled the exterior shaking.
  15. I would die for an explanation! It seriously is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. First we thought it was a coincidence, but when we kept a close eye on it we found this really was the case. It only worked when we passed within a meter or so. Any further had no effect at all. Also, it wasn't consistent; you could pass it ten times without the thing turning itself off... completely random. But only on rainy days. In case of the hard drive I think some connection was broken and "fixed" itself under the right circumstances over a long time. (Tempreture for instance)
  16. To be honest, I never liked the tech tree. IMO it should have a separate progression for all the different radial sizes. Also I believe that some very basic stuff like small bateries, lights and a ladder should be available from the start. On top of that, I prefer to start unmanned.
  17. I will tell you the most unbelievable story, but it has really happened. For my old job I worked in an office where we had a radio. The radio always worked fine except on rainy days. It would still play as normal, but when someone walked passed it turned off at random... as said: only on rainy days. When the weather was fine it never happened. Strangest thing I've ever seen. Never figured out why. Technology can do the strangest things.
  18. Playing Trivial Pursuit with a bunch of people. The question was: "What year did we land on the Moon"? The girl who had to answer the question thought it was a trick question and decided to answer never. Not because she was a conspiracy theorist, she really just didn't know we landed there... never heard about it. How is that possible!?
  19. Don't overvalue it too much. Amazingly the liver has the capability to re-grow itself . Even if you would cut of a big chunk of it (say half) it magically regenerates. How is that for some random off topic fact knowledge.
  20. My 1.0 is slowly building up to what I want it to be. Thanks for the update!
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