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Everything posted by Navyguy

  1. This will be my first post in over a year (wow! My little KSP has grown up so much since I left in October 2013.) anyways mine was the title of "Nearly New to KSP" and the message was "Hello, fellow Kerbonaughts... I started playing almost two months ago any suggestions just say. btw visited other planets because of debug. Please help with my questions". (Note I started playing in March of 2013)
  2. I've done that same formula before. ...It deatached from the parachute when it deployed it's parachute.
  3. This is a challenge that some people might have already completed, but lets not judge that. The challenge is as the title says "The Eeloo conlony challenge". The rules are to land on the planet, make a colony, and support reaserch. Their is no rule against unlimited fuel,but no unlimited RCS. If you can post a picture as well, also one other thing is that you have to list your amount of fuel used, if you used cheats, and how long it took for the first Kerbal to arrive. The only mod allowed is MechJeb. Also some confusion is " What is research?" Research In this case would be can you explore the planet easily, and once .22 is out the experiment modules are supported. The scoring system is for each time you enter Eeloo 10 points, Each time you land 50 Each kerbal who doesn't die after landing 50 If you have 50 or more kerbals at the colony 1000 To pass the challenge you need to get atleast 110 points,but this point system could go on forever lets keep this challenge going. Also I'm currently going to Eeloo right now,but it takes forever. I'll reply on this thread when it happens. Good luck, Sincerely C/Amn K NH-016
  4. How cool would that be?! They would help alot of people save their Kerbals as well. Also sorry I think looking back this could be under the more parts thread. Sincerely, C/Amn K NH-016
  5. Obvisously the United States. All you people saying the Russins/Soviets won is wrong. They only won in the begining. A few examples of the things after the US won the space race compared to the Soviets/Russins are, 1. We sent a probe out of the solar system. 2. We landed 4 confirmed rovers on Mars. 3. We got more than 75% of the ISS into orbit. 4. We have alot of space telescopes. 5. We sent up alot of the GPS satelites. 6. ETC. Sincerely, Your friendly neighborhood Civil Air Patrol Cadet of NH-016
  6. It's just because Congress can't decide what the funding should be. Just give the site a few days it will be back up.
  7. I couldn't get enough fuel in the spacecraft. Ps I played orbiter before long before this and yet in this couldn't get into orbit until like a week after playing this.
  8. All of the above is the answer. Communication was lost when spacecraft went on the far side of the moon,but I don't know about Delta-V.
  9. I've kinda noticed and this still bugs me. The fact how fast fuel goes. When you have the biggest fuel tank it still runs out of fuel in about a minute if you use the mainsail. That has to do with the isp being alot lower than real engines isp are. Thats a comparison on isp of KSP and the real world. So don't be frustrated. Just add boosters.
  10. Who else is a cadet? Such as me I'm a cadet in Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUX). Just leave what type of cadet and the name of the program.
  11. Agreed Buzzkill88. I hate COD it's not only unrealistic but is a stereotype that all a marine,solidier,airman,sailor,agent,operative,etc is kill. That is completely false. Thats only one of their jobs if they have to. They follow Rules of Engagement. For example are we killing North Koreans everytime we see them on the border? The answer is no,and we follow the Rules of Engagement.
  12. ASnogarD You're correct. I came over from orbiter and thats very accurate this is very diverse and has a little bit of everyone. The serious sim community (including me),non serious,and creative non serious.
  13. I don't have my old profile that I used to buy the game though.
  14. 0.20 Was just realeased the 22nd,but I don't know how to update. Help.
  15. Does anyone realise that the scale of the Solar System is downsized. Thus Laythe has hotter tempature than it would have in the first place. Also the Oxygen may come from Sea Algae they produce Oxygen.Also the wiki said the atmosphere contains Oxygen,not is pure oxygen. Also life thats on Earth adapted to Earth. Maybe it's the same on Laythe.
  16. Already have it. When I put it in the place where you paste the ribbin it says invalid file. I even deleted the http.www. part of it too.
  17. Hello fellow kerbonauhts... Today I used the ribbon generator,but I can't post it in the signiture. Help.
  18. Hi, I want to get the Mechjeb mod. Unfortunately I don't know if you need anything to get the mod or if it can mess up anything. Please help.
  19. It's been a while it's something like run('atlantis/launch') then launch(). all in the left mfd any more questions should be answerd in the tutorial if I remember correctly.
  20. I loved Orbiter It helped me an insane way before I started KSP. Orbiter is insanely realistic! It always brought me fun, and rage at the same time. Also I think without them the KSP community would be alot smaller. Also orbiter is alot more realistic with TLI,and inter-planetary travel. Allthough I only mastered TLI. Since KSP haven't played Orbiter since.
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