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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. Nope, never happen. This mod hasn't been updated since version .17 of KSP. Not even sure why you bumped such an ancient and dead mod.
  2. 1. Granted. 2. So, then you meant "a short time" since this is an american commercial endeavor. Regardless, for all the "this is a mockup/prototype" comments in this thread, I recommend you guys checkout this post on NSF and explore the rest of that thread in general. There's some great info there on the Dragon V2.
  3. Nope, it's a flight article. While the interior wasn't completely finished out, it was representative of the systems that were shown.
  4. I know. I was responding to the person I quoted who said it won't. Regardless, just because it's designed for human transportation does not mean this particular one will fly with humans on board. It could be used for an unmanned test flight.
  5. That remains to be seen. If by "a long time" you mean 2016.
  6. Many people have done it Apollo style. The real question is how do you manage to make a craft of 500+ just to get to the mun? That seems excessive. You need to simplify your construction.
  7. Nope, the flight ready craft seen at the unveiling will indeed be launched. It's not a mockup.
  8. Yep, the inclusion of the JATO makes this a 2 stage vehicle.
  9. That's odd. I use lots of axial mounted designs and haven't seen this. Most of my rockets were designed in 23.5 though, so maybe this "bug" only applies to new builds?
  10. Ion engines would require injection burns measured in real life days for a ship that big.
  11. What mods are you using? What version number of mechjeb? what version of KSP?
  12. Not for you apparently. If you describe the problem you're having with the version number of mechjeb and KSP that you're using, you might get a better response.
  13. The tough part is knowing the intent of the builder as to when the spacebar should be hit.
  14. There's really no way for an automated system to anticipate every combination of staging possible in the game. Your staging is just too unorthodox for the set pattern that mechjeb uses. As has been noted before, trying to accommodate some of the scenarios in staging you want would break staging for the majority of situations.
  15. Contrary to what you've seen on CSI, not every video can be "enhanced".
  16. Are you adding a big engine to go with the ARM parts? Also, I love your work. I still have both the current and previous releases installed. Gives me 6 engines to choose from for missions.
  17. Yea, I'm sure if they could get approval to land on land they would. But they may be in the catch-22 of having to prove accuracy before being allowed to. Landing on a floating platform a couple times would be a damn impressive show of accuracy.
  18. Why are you bothering to "control from here" on the ar202? Just use your command pod. (which is what's used by default)
  19. "solid surface" does not necessarily equal "dry land".
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