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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. Elon stated that they would build both v1 Cargo and v2 crew for at least a few years.
  2. It can do a full powered landing without chutes with up to 2 failed superdracos. As long as those 2 are not in the same pod. In which case it would have control authority issues.
  3. 1. It had padding, they may add more, but that doesn't make the seats shown "mockups". 2. um, yes, you do want places to stow equipment, how does this relate to the seats being mockups? 3. As noted, there were 7 seats, just find the right images.
  4. The current statement is "7 to 10 days" and there is no toilet.
  5. eventually It evolved as they learned things, hence the v2 Not in any of the ones flown, it was a planned upgrade. Which we just saw revealed today.
  6. Your first post actually does not specify that you have the latest dev version of the .dll, only that you downloaded a new copy of mechjeb. It helps to be precise when trying to troubleshoot.
  7. KJR is redundant in 23.5, you can get rid of it. A lot of the parts in THSS no longer work. Did you ever get the latest .dll for mechjeb?
  8. Are you using the latest .dll for mechjeb? Do you have an ar202 module from the command tab attached to your ship? What other mods are you using? More detail about what's "not working".
  9. One or both of your docking ports may be mounted backwards. They'll only connect from one side so you hve to be careful when mounting them on your craft. Also, docking ports only connect to the same size ports.
  10. Well, that's a little embarrassing after all the dust up about ISS this week.
  11. Good luck mini-modding a topic you created on an open forum. They don't generally work that way. If you didn't want dissenting posts you should have used blog where you can disable comments.
  12. Ever heard the expression "cutting off your nose to spite your face"? Yeah, that would be pretty much what your "experiment" would be doing.
  13. What mods do you have? There was a similar problem being caused by the RSS mod. Even if you don't have RSS, other mods sometimes contain the RSS dll file.
  14. The engines were explicitly designed for reuse. Swapping them out every flight would be more costly and time consuming than checkout and reuse. The whole idea of the F9 is "gas and go". The more parts you start swapping after each flight the further you get from that goal. If you have to refurbish the stage after every flight then you've just duplicated everything wrong with the space shuttle.
  15. The legs are made from carbon fiber and aluminium. As stated in my previous post, they'll see much less abuse from engine exhaust when used for actual reuse flights since they only deploy about 20 seconds before landing. They'll last for a lot longer than 3 uses.
  16. And yet, you should still try closing the radiators to see what effect it has. If closing the radiators corrects the bounding box, well, we know more about the problem.
  17. !. Those are the actual flight legs. 2. In an actual flight profile the legs will see much less exposure to the exhaust as they will deploy only in the last 10 to 20 seconds of flight. 3. CRS-3 first stage was not recovered due to high seas. It sank. no pictures available.
  18. Considering the success of the N-1? Yes, it just might be fitting to name this one N-2.
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