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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. That's great. If this were some multiplayer game where it gave someone an unfair advantage over someone else. But in a solo game what is wrong with giving someone the option* to play the game the way they wish? All the option would do is make it unnecessary for players to go digging through the part.cfg, so I'm not sure what the big difference here is for you? Does it really cause you some kind of physical pain or inconvenience to let other people have the option? Seriously, WTF? And considering the number of people that come into this thread asking how to enable full functionality at the start of career mode, it would seem to be a welcome feature by a good portion of users whether you personally like it or not. Not that it should matter if the option is there since you can continue to play the game the way you want. But go ahead, tell me again why I should be forced to play the game your way. Then tell me how the option will affect you if it is implemented. *Remember, this word means that you are not forced into this mode of play and may go through career mode as you wish.
  2. So having it as an option under settings some how prevents you from playing it out in career mode if you wish? You just can't keep yourself from hitting that button if it's there?
  3. This is exactly how it works by default. If you want all of your command pods to have MJ functionality you'll have to either edit the part.cfg files for all the pods or use the module manager addon. You'll also have to edit the part.cfg's if you want full MJ functionality at the start of career mode*, otherwise different portions of it become available as you work through the tech tree. *I keep advocating for an option in setup to disable the tech tree requirements in career mode for MJ but the idea doesn't seem to get much traction.
  4. Not sure what the setting is called in blender, but that would be where you do it before importing the model to unity.
  5. It looks like you need to "set smooth" some of your edges. To better hide the low poly of the sides of the capsule.
  6. That model is actually a 2.5 meter base and was intended to seat 3, but feel free to do what you want.
  7. I feel like I pimp this out every time someone says they want to hear some ideas on mods to make, but since your command pod looks similar, I'll post these one more time. This was an idea I had for a command pod, but not the skill to build. Feel free to be inspired or not. (click on the thumbs for larger images)
  8. rendezvous planner/autopilot is for meeting up with other craft in the same SOI, not for getting to other moons or planets. Use maneuver planner instead.
  9. A loop is a circle. You should use a different term instead of "loop" to avoid confusion. Maybe use "stack" as that seems to be what you're doing with your ssto.
  10. In this pic it looks like you have fuel lines leading in and out of the radial orange tanks. If so, you have created "loops" in the fuel flow logic, something that KSP does not handle well. More than likely this is causing one or more tanks to empty out sooner than the others which in turn leads to an unstable craft with an off center of gravity. The craft is the problem. not mechjeb. Remove the fuel lines leading out to the radial tanks.
  11. Look closer, that's a measurement of the top attach point, not a column header.
  12. This is less sci-fi than quantum struts.
  13. Can't you just cluster the current engines for the same effect?
  14. I still think it would just be easiest if there was an option under settings to turn off the tech tree requirements.
  15. I think there should just be an option in settings to turn off the tech requirements.
  16. More likely has to do with joint reinforcer, or maybe restorer, whatever that is.
  17. Ok here's another. place an orbiter orb on a ship then attach a hitchhiker. When you go to the pad the hitchhiker has become another orb. Caused by duplicate name in the part.cfg file.
  18. Hmmm, it inflates when selected in the VAB, but there is no option to inflate/deflate on the pad. It's inflated by default. Is that going to change?
  19. Punctuation fail on his part. It should read, "You can't. Use http://imgur.com"
  20. It could also be related to this bug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58625-Electric-Problem-using-Batteries-outcome-Bug Is your command pod out of power?
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