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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. Are you trying to rendezvous with the Mun? I don't think that will really work. Use maneuver planner to setup a hohmann transfer then once in the SOI of the Mun use maneuver planner again to circularize an orbit. Rendezvous autopilot is trying to put you next to the Mun at whatever distance you have set, but that distance is from the center of the object targeted, not the surface. Hence, crashing into the Mun on autowarp. Rendezvous autopilot is meant more for meeting up with other craft, not planetary bodies.
  2. You guys are in the wrong thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28September-9%29
  3. You can move the tab in the aug.31 version as well.
  4. try going to gamedata/mechjeb2/plugins/plugindata/mehcjeb2 and deleting the mechjeb_settings_global.cfg file. That file will be recreated by mechjeb when you run KSP and controls all the window settings for the addon.
  5. It's beyond me really. Took me hours to get that far. I would never be able to create a decent texture for it nor even have a clue how to do IVA. I am more of an idea guy than a finisher.
  6. Hey, you mentioned looking for ideas. I had one for a new command pod. I've been wanting a command pod that's not quite the same Apollo capsule shape everyone seems to be doing, but still looks kerbal. I also wanted it to have a good set of windows to use for the "Bridge" of an interplanetary ship and also work for looking "down" for landings. This is what I came up with. It's a very rough model, just a sketch really, and I just threw some colors on it to get an idea of what it would look like. I have never textured before and I suck at it. Anyway, 2 cut in windows and the "cockpit" window. I imagined an eva hatch on the opposite side of the capsule but didn't try to model it. Top edge is 1.25 and bottom is 2.5 to match existing stock parts. I figure it holds 3 Kerbals.
  7. Radiators are the opposite of solar panels, they want to present as little surface as possible to the sun in order to avoid absorbing heat.
  8. That science lab! Mother of God! Edit to add: It's awesome, but the dry mass seems a bit light at .015. guessing it should be closer to the hitchhiker in mass? Maybe 2.5 or 3?
  9. Think of this forum as one big clan. Post a question and it will get answered (and probably already has)
  10. Clan Wolverine is somewhere out there protecting the innersphere from all the bug-eyed aliens.
  11. I think the forum averages a new thread on this every two days. Either we need a stickied thread with the solution in it or an improvement to the search function.
  12. Here's a link to the Aug. 31 .dll. good thing I always wait a few days before grabbing new versions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d5ovkg0f68wbg1w/MechJeb2.dll Tell me if this link works, first time using dropbox.
  13. If it can do that, then it would be better for it to wait and disable Smart ASS on both vehicles upon undocking, maybe even turning on SAS as well for both vehicles at that time.
  14. Since it functions almost exactly the same, have you tried looking at CBBP's Dragonrider capsule for answers to the problem: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26243-Dragon-Rider-Capsule-0-20-%287-9-13%29 Or maybe even ask him directly.
  15. Yeah, as noted, to avoid destroying other engines when placing multiple atomics, just rotate the part so the fairings aren't facing each other before you place them. no need to edit files.
  16. amendment to #2: struts decouple automatically between stages that have been decoupled.
  17. Nope, you only have one connected there. It only looks like you have 3 connections. as for the fairings, rotate the engines until the fairing face to the sides, then they won't hit the other engines. There are more detailed explanations in this thread, you need to read more of it.
  18. Consciousness is an emergent property of a complex system. In this case the brain. We really are more than the sum of our parts.
  19. What do you mean "where are they"? They're right th--- Oh my god!
  20. Nevermind, rewatched video. Might help if you showed the delta-v stats during launch. It might show if mechjeb is reading how much d/v in that stage is wrong.
  21. Could your decouplers for the stage in question be in the wrong staging group?
  22. You can get the latest version of mechjeb here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28August-31-Ter%29 But it has included docking for quite a few versions now. From the mechjeb tab there should be a "docking autopilot" window you can open. Before activating docking autopilot, first rightclick the docking port on the active vehicle and select "control from here" and then while the docking vehicle is active, move the view around till you can see the port on the destination craft, rightclick on that port and select "set target". You are now ready to activate the docking autopilot.
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