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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. If the intersection had stoplight cameras they may be able to find the guy.
  2. Uniinstall anything related to mechjeb that you have already. Get the latest build of mechjeb from this thread and install it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28August-31-Ter%29 The mechjeb part will be in the control tab and has a dim green light.
  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the large ASAS pictured above is lighter because it provides no torque/has no reaction wheels.
  4. Do you mean besides the "edit ascent path" button on the ascent guidance window?
  5. 1. remove the control surfaces you have high up on the rocket. KSP doesn't work well with control surfaces on rockets above the COM. Those control surfaces cause problems in low atmosphere and are useless in the thin high atmosphere. 2. leave the gimbal active on your first stage center engine. disable all others. (second stage central engine can also remain active gimbal) *yes, it's annoying that compared to real life KSP numbers stages in reverse order.
  6. Yeah, don't trouble yourself over it. I think it has more to do with me not understanding exactly how the settings interact rather than how you built the parts.
  7. Heh, I tried using rescaleFactor in one of the small tanks with the 1.25 endcaps to try and make a medium tank. never did get the sizing right and the connection nodes always ended up either outside the model or buried in it. I think it had something to do with the scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8. I even tried changing the numbers on that as well. Never got a result that worked. The bug report about the interaction between the 2 settings didn't help either. No combination of x * y = 1 worked for me.
  8. Now you've just devolved into pedantry. It's easier now. Regardless of skill (as I keep saying).
  9. Upgrade to the latest version: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28August-31-Ter%29
  10. Ever heard the phrase "MOAR struts!" "moar struts" "moar struts"? Well, if people have to spend less time rebuilding stations.... then it's easier! After the SAS was improved, as many will attest, rockets became easier to design and fly better. A lot less use of the "Moar struts!". It doesn't matter if you are skilled or unskilled. It's become easier for everybody. It's not about whether the bugs care or the physics engine cares, it's about the subjective experience of the players. Fixing this bug in particular made the game easier.
  11. You missed the whole "easier to play as intended" part, didn't you? The SAS wasn't working as Squad intended, making the game harder to play in that respect than they intended. Therefore, and this is the tricky part, the game is now easier to play in regards to SAS. As intended. Not all bug fixes will result in easier game play, which I stated in an earlier post, but in this case it did.
  12. Ah, I remember seeing this years ago. Had forgotten most of it. Always entertaining.
  13. Someone help those poor, poor elephants! Can't you hear the pain they're in?
  14. Surface mounting works fine for me. Are you referring to the "kerbal style" texture that helped with placement of surface items?
  15. Works just fine on my 415 part, 130ton station. I admit it doesn't work for all cases, but it is a vast improvement over just getting close and hitting the autodock button.
  16. How many parts is it without all that plating on it? (And how much more can it lift?)
  17. It's amazing what people read into a simple statement of fact. I think the game is working much more "as intended" with the new SAS. It works pretty great. This is an alpha game. As some things develop parts of the game will get easier, some parts will get harder. As long as it stays fun, it's all good. Well, would you call fixing that bug "making the game harder to play"? Isn't the point of fixing bugs to make it easier to play as intended? Can you give an example of an intentional bug?
  18. And the net result is "Yes, the game is easier".
  19. OK, for all those that think autodocking sucks, let me give you a little run down on how to get the best results. First, use your preferred method to get the active vessel close to the target, whether that be rendezvous autopilot or manual, now: For these instructions, the active vessel is "A" and the destination vessel is "B". 1. switch to the B, select "control from here" on the desired docking port. 2. target the desired docking port on A that will be docking. set smart ASS to tgt+ 3. switch back to A 4. select the desired docking port on this vessel and "control from here". 5. target the same port on B from step 1. set smart ASS on A to tgt+ 6. both ships should now be pointing the desired docking ports straight at each other. turn on autodocking. 7. sit back and be amazed by how very little monoprop is used.
  20. They should know better than to waste delta-V on those nose cones.
  21. So, basically, yes, they did make things easier.
  22. Incorrect. At the time of the adventures of Bilbo and Frodo Moria had long since been abandoned. Look it up.
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