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Everything posted by sojourner

  1. If you look closely at the staging and the rocket you can see that the core does stage above the Rockomax cone shaped adapter.
  2. You could ditch 3 of those boosters, put the core stage on top of the remaining tall booster and end up with the entire core in orbit with a good portion of it's fuel. And ditch the nose cones. They are hindrances until Squad updates how drag works in the game.
  3. Yep, fuel lines are most likely messed up somewhere. I have to ask, what is that decoupler doing down there at the bottom of your core stage since you also have one just above the orange tank on that stage?
  4. What's this "ASAS" stuff? Is everyone referring to that part in the control tab that has no use in the current game?
  5. While Mechjeb does not use "SAS", it does use the reaction wheels. If your using RCS in atmosphere your doing it wrong. You should only be using control surfaces and reaction wheels to fly the craft before reaching space.
  6. Yeah, R4m0n seems to have lost interest in the game. Hopefully Sarbian will find the free time to create a fork and continue the development.
  7. Neptune?As for why Jupiter is larger, I would guess it had more material to feed on when the solar system was forming. Hill sphere size is only part of the equation, not the sole determinant.
  8. Well, at this point I can only suggest installing a plain vanilla version of KSP and only adding mechjeb, then try launching one of the stock ships. If that works then start adding in any mods you have until it stops working.
  9. This sounds like you have fuel imbalance causing your ship to go sideways. before it crashes check and make sure the tanks are draining uniformly and not causing the center of gravity to shift in flight.
  10. There were plans to make the first stage of Saturn V recoverable: http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum29/HTML/000880.html
  11. Cities are not really an issue when it comes to efficient land use. If everyone lived in population densities like Tokyo, Hong Kong or New York we'd have plenty of farmland. It's the damn suburbs that are a waste of space and don't get me started on golf courses. Ghad! the amount of land wasted (among other resources) on a single sport where old men ride around in little carts whacking little balls. It pisses me off.
  12. I'm curious how many people will be put off the game if Mechjeb truly breaks in the future. I'd start a poll thread but know it would just get trolled by the "don't use it" crowd. I think it's a real mistake that Squad will "never add an autopilot". If they could get an honest estimation of the number of people using mechjeb they might reconsider. Heck, the popularity of this thread and the number of downloads on spaceport should give them some clue.
  13. So, why is there a rule against talking about conspiracies on this forum?
  14. Sarbian's .dll has some further tweeks that help with docking among other things.
  15. The large station parts pack has a nice big RTG.
  16. where did he say not to add it to the stock game? Also, this is the game play questions and and tutorial subforum. The OP was asking for information, not suggesting a new feature.
  17. Pretty sure there is a mod that shows what your action groups are. Not sure if it works in the current version though. Here's one that lets you change action groups in space: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/actions-on-the-fly/
  18. It's already been talked about in this thread. Look back a few pages.
  19. Here's a couple images of my tug. It has a docking port Sr. plus the adaptor docked to it allows me to also grab thing with a standard docking port. If I don't need the standard docking port I just leave that part docked to my station and disconnect the Sr. The half spherical tank is monoprop, with the only ;iquid fuel being from that small tank below it. More than enough for moving stuff around near the station, but not really useful for bringing big items from other orbits. The engine is a 40isp nuke from the fatman series. http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr153/seattle221/Kerbal/screenshot12.png~original http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr153/seattle221/Kerbal/screenshot11.png~original
  20. I never liked the style of quantum struts so I use Docking struts instead. you can find them as part of this pack and they work in .21: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/attachment-pack/ I just pulled the docking strut part and the .dll and installed them, avoiding all of the other parts.
  21. Yep, I have the same userID over there, though I mostly lurk. Those guys are the real deal rocket engineers. It's also a very strict forum as far as staying on topic and not spamming up the threads. So tread lightly if you join.
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