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15 Good

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It's a really fun mod to have. I'm sure linuxgamer will get it updated at some point, not like he isn't managing 1200 other mods now.
  2. Does anyone know if there are any other KK mods that just add Docks for ships? I looked at SM Marine but I can't figure out what parts or such are the supposed facilities versus boat making stuff. I don't want any of that. Appreciate the help!
  3. I'm totally ALL FOR THIS. Some sort of memorial for John Glenn please!
  4. Umm...have to disagree with you. Unless the author of a MOD creates the CKAN file and then submits it over to the CKAN guys, it won't show on CKAN. It is NOT an auto scan thing, not all mods end up in CKAN as it's up the the MOD author. For your edification: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN
  5. Good to see an update out. Any chance you know when it will kick over into CKAN? Thanks.
  6. Not sure why, but mod isn't showing in CKAN anymore. Is that intentional, or an update on it's way? Thanks.
  7. Great looking MOD. I dug thru replies and didn't find anything, but all I want is the satellite...the A300 and anything that supports it I just don't want to add. Exactly what folders are required for the OctoSat to function properly?
  8. Hello everyone! Was feeling nostalgic and wanted to do a playthrough on version .25 with mods. I had some, but for whatever reason some aren't working properly and having issue finding old downloads. Does anyone know if there is an old repository or any mod makers willing to send me old versions? I'm looking specifically for .25 mods of: DMagicOrbital Science (this is one that isn't working, animations are fine but the science just doesn't happen for normal or the USI parts) RCSBuildAid - just not working Any others like KW Rocketry or such would be great! Thanks!
  9. Question, is there any way to make CKAN see the mods I have? With kerbalstuff out the window, trying to get another MOD running and i've quite dependent on CKAN to manage my MODS? I'm using the most recent CKAN version. Thanks.
  10. Running into an issue, CKAN can't download as the KerbalStuff link is broken and from what I read KerbalStuff is shut down. Anyone know how to get CKAN to DL it from any of the other links or such or does the OP have to resubmit it using a GitHub or other link? Related, anyone know if you can force CKAN to see mods you actually have in the game and not just what you've downloaded using it? Thanks!
  11. [quote name='linuxgurugamer']For all interested, the latest patch is now available via CKAN[/QUOTE] Saw the patch(s) in CKAN, however CKAN is throwing an error as it's not overwriting anything else? Two versions of the KW Rockety Community Fixes exist in the CKAN listing, both indicate as updates to 1.0.4, so not sure which one needs to go.
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