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Everything posted by Hellbrand

  1. I know right. We already have the wings for the supersaber. and the tail... and the elevators... though a more powerful engine would be awesome, also! a nose cockpit/intake combo similar to that of the A-7 Corsair/F-8 crusader
  2. Does anybody have the oblong nose part that had the built in Intake and the .625m Node on the nose? That and think we can get a Long nose intake Akin to the F-100 Super saber?? and a longer tail Engine??
  3. also ID?? How are we supposed to throttle back from SRBs ???
  4. as for multilanding gear by the way... Could talk to the RBI guys about making a platform that's longer than needed and such
  5. Because Somone needs to keep this on the front page so more and more peopel can oogle at how pretty it is!
  6. Well! looks like the textures are kinda borked! any word on an update?
  7. or you could use the dev model provided and make your own and make it all spiffy and such.. also any luck with rpm?
  8. so wait, B-9 made it so people could re-use the assets so long as they give credit where it's due, and they do not sell it? Meaning somone could use the B-9 assets and release a spinoff pack using the same parts?
  9. just curious what kind of liscence did B9 have for his parts? because if the licence permits. I think B9 may eventually turn into KB-12 and that just sounds Straight up Jeb (btw can we start replaceing awesome or cool with like Jeb cause that just sounds awesome or well.. Sounds downright jeb))
  10. I admittedly still use those (Mk.4) fuselage pieces for my cargo aircraft.
  11. So yeah Totally want this mod now :| Sorry but I think I'm just going to * picks up the thread and walks away*
  12. * is sad he didnt get the chance to do B-36 style landing gear with treads*
  13. totally should talk to the RPM folks about integrateing it as an RPM plugin
  14. so has anybody tried using them as landing gear yet? and do they just not break like the old ones?
  15. So totally looking foreward to this, and as for RPM I belive it's just like putting in normal props in IVA, I mean I suppose you can look at the standard layouts they have and muck about with those to see how they work, since this would totally be perfect for your Airliner parts and glass cockpits and all that jazz
  16. that's a very good question because I recently found FAR to be not as hard to build with nowadays for some reason
  17. I would like to apply, I usually find some rather interesting concepts and know how to push the envelope. I'm an avid config editor and Frankly I want to see how well I can crash... erm Test them. And yes. I space very much
  18. anybody else agree for the RPM For the cockpit and such? mixed with the normal instruments/
  19. Crazy awesome SOO lookign foreward to the update!, but think you could do RPM for the cockpit?? It looks like it woud fit perfectly!
  20. that's awesome! how many kerbals does it hold still 4? or is it upped to 5 ??
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