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Everything posted by Hellbrand

  1. Can you make the normal B-9 Nosecone Longer or anothe rmodel that keeps the shape but is enlongated basically? Also FAR compatibility??
  2. I have a feeling you should make the mk.1 cockpit nose longer and more pointed .. it seems a little too blunt as it is now >_>
  3. All for the lulz as pointed out in the beginning of the post.
  4. "this end should point towards the ground if you want to go to space... If it starts pointing towards space you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today"
  5. wow this is odd, they usually post every day or so.. I hope everything is alright!
  6. so What's the download link? I dont know whats's what in the Git hub ... it's rather confusing to me.
  7. What about that old oblong nose intake somone posted that had a built in .625m attach point and air intake on it? (found it ... talking bout this thing!! http://p3d.in/9TR8L ))
  8. Is this the Same Aeon Voom From Secondlife ?? >_> Formerly Incharge of the Vice Stuff?
  9. ...You need a hug good sir. you cant emulate everything in RL in KSP otherwise things would be alot diffrent. the reason theres the huge endcap a tthe top of most engines. in KSP is so it fits in and is easier to tell what engines go where and with what size.
  10. anybody also notice that the S2's nose section is kind of flat >_> and the cone is just kinda pasted on there?
  11. I simply cant wait until it's released I've always enjoyed coffee industries parts.
  12. >_> any chance you would be willing to do a Airliner style that has the hatch on the side rather than on the top... that gets kind of confusing and frustrating when makeing airliners with B9 default parts.
  13. forget inclusion. K-3 Should totally make a B-9 continuation pack!
  14. Wait a second... thos elook like that new airbus military transport that looks alot like the C-130 the A400M
  15. does this mean that Modular Multiwheels will be getting updated as well? as well as the older Mk.4 fuselages?
  16. yeah and it dosent support tracks either but couldent you combine the two. and have the multi bogey's act like tracks?
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