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Everything posted by SpaceGremlin

  1. Yes and no. If a new player is introduced to MJ too early they can become hopelessly dependent on it. They should at least learn and be familiar with the basics, such as orbiting, Hohmann transfers, and landing on the Mun. Then Mechjeb becomes a great tool to help them to learn docking, precision landing, or interplanetary transfers. Much like the upcoming tutorials, players need to figure out at least some of it on their own. If you handhold them all the way you rob them of the lightbulb moments that make KSP fun.
  2. Strut everything together. For big rockets I like to run some struts along the entire length of it to reduce loading on the middle connections. If my weak joint is a tank-decoupler-engine-tank sequence, I'll place small cubic octagonal struts on the fuel tanks above and below and strut them together. Or if I haven't unlocked the small cubic strut I'll just strut both tanks to the decoupler.
  3. You might actually want to move your center of mass higher. Rockets want to fly heavy end first. The further apart the CoM and center of pressure the more stable it will be.
  4. Just tried this mod today, and I love it already. Whipped a VTOL together in 30 seconds and landed on the VAB with no trouble at all. A few things though: It should default to off, I don't need it for most launches. It would also be nice if it gave some indication of what state its in (like changing the icon color on the toolbar).
  5. Astraph, did you or your friend use a modified config for your Sabres? Sabre M's have insane heat production, I think of the config fixes for them fixed that.
  6. If you want the stock accelerometer back you can clone its config, rename the part, and edit the module manager file to attach the impactor functionality to the cloned part. Fractal_UK, please do this for the next release so we don't have to.
  7. You don't need to counterweight your payload like that, just fly with unbalanced RCS and add in some reaction wheels to muscle it around. Or if you're dead set on keeping your RCS balanced, you could save a lot of weight by running some girders from your orbital insertion stage up alongside the payload and placing RCS on that. You can then strut the payload down from the girders to stabilize it.
  8. Disable extra reaction wheels, if you have multiple reaction wheels spaced far apart (particularly if they are on both sides of a docking connection) they will bend your ship.
  9. Kerbal Attachment System has this to a very limited degree. You can add/remove many small parts from ships while on EVA. It even has struts for strengthening docked ships together.
  10. Start with what you know is stable and add mods one at a time. Check how much memory KSP is using as well, it will crash if you exceed roughly 3.5 gigabytes (you'll suffer some drastic performance decreases as you approach that cap too). If memory usage is the problem, try using this texture compressor. You trade a little bit of graphical quality for vastly more efficient memory usage. I'm able to run B9, Lack Luster Labs, KSP Interstellar, KW Rocketry, KAS, and Kethane all at once. You could also just set your textures to half resolution in your options menu, you get a similar effect but with less gains.
  11. You can delete the module manager entries that add heat to your engines. In gamedata/WarpPlugin, edit b9aero.cfg and rapier.cfg and remove the sabre heating module from your jet engines. You'll still need them for thermal jets, but at least regular jets won't explode.
  12. This mod is powered by sorcery. My install was getting unstable at 3.4 gigs, now its at 2.1 gigs (with even more mods)!
  13. Suggestion: a display in the VAB/SPH that shows the fairing dimensions.
  14. Is it possible to remove the engine overheating/precooler feature by deleting the module manager configs for those parts?
  15. Currently using: B9 Aerospace KW Rocketry FAR KAS Kethane TAC Fuel Balancer Mechjeb Lazor Docking Cam Hooligan Labs Airships Procedural Fairings One mod that I want to like is KSP Interstellar, but I removed it from my install because its rather clunky at the moment. Too much extra stuff that I won't use (like the methane rocket) or don't want at all (like being required to use precoolers or my jets overheat). It really should be split up into smaller mods at this point, its suffering scope creep.
  16. Hooligan Labs airship mod. Some of the balloons unlock very early in the tech tree, and you can use them to easily access the many biomes near the KSC. You can clean science out of the KSC, launch pad, runway, shores, water, grasslands, and highlands. That provides enough science to unlock parts for easy Mun/Minmus missions.
  17. Alacrity, do you use Navyfish DPAI or Romfarer's docking camera? Those help a lot with the final approach.
  18. These parts are amazing. They make a very elegant solution to battery and RCS studded rocket monstrosities. I'm trying to trim down my mod list, but this one is definitely staying.
  19. This whole discussion is completely pointless. There has been no indication that Kerbals have any kind of gender dimorphism (or gender even, they might reproduce by releasing a cloud of spores for all we know).
  20. Love this mod, been using it since release 2. I have two issues with it currently though: 1) Ramp (RNM/RBM/Large DVI) intakes are woefully underpowered. They weigh 40 times more than a stock ram intake without any performance benefits. I love their aesthetics but they're not useful right now. 2) Sabre M's overheat very quickly.
  21. Some scaling would be nice. A full orange tank should make a much larger explosion than an empty one.
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