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Everything posted by Sliinty

  1. Ask and ye shall receive. "orbital party popper" is probably an apt name for this box full o' boom. Contains 200 missiles, for instant kessler syndrome!
  2. An armoured cargo freighter for mun surface-orbit operations. Cargo bay fits a couple of orange tanks, I used damned robotics for an opening/closing door and gimbaling engines, quantum struts stop it from breaking apart. The L-300 "Mule" is an up-armoured version of a civilian vessel designed to aid mun mining operations under threat and run blockades to help deliver precious fuel to vessels of war in orbit, as well as serving as a dropship to deploy ground vehicles on the mun. 120T and 2600m/s dV without cargo 190T and 1500m/s dV fully loaded (not much dV I know, but its not really needed for getting into and out of orbit from the mun, where orbital velocity is only 550m/s)
  3. Try using the lander can for a bridge, it has a much better fov. Cool ship!
  4. Oh so now lasers aren't so bad after all! I saw a picture of it on the babylon thread, props to you, its incredible.
  5. i can only deduce from your doom-quality graphics that you've recently been making BIG ships...
  6. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, if someone can figure out how to do it without mechjeb then props, but SAS didn't seem to hold it straight.
  7. I can see I have angered the gods of missile weaponry So a ship with 78 fairly big missiles has got to weigh hundreds of tons, I don't doubt. So how does it fare against 20-30 frigates with the same total mass? Blast radius in ksp? Pics or it didn't happen. The downsides of lasers; yes they have a firing arc, but that only matters at close range, and ksp ships dont have the agility to circle a ship at under 1km like in eve or something. The power requirements are pretty large, yes, but the destructive power you might get out of 1 ton of nuclear reactor and a laser is a lot more than 1 ton of missile propellant and payload. Overheating in ksp is fixed with, well not holding down the fire button... I forgot to say, the sunbeam lasers range is unrealistically short, by a few orders of magnitude, and a missile with a blast radius of 2km is undoubtedly nuclear; nuclear weapons don't detonate properly from overheating.
  8. Missiles in space are somewhat of a bad idea, laser weapons make much more sense in the real world; with advanced computers, perfect target tracking renders ship agility pointless, and the lack of travel time means first strike capability over missile ships. To simulate this my ships are using romfarer lasers and the sunbeam laser. Manned craft are also fairly pointless, and dead kerbals are bad for PR. First is a frigate, the L-100 Typhoon, a light hull with 4 lasers and 6 ion drives, it relies on shooting down incoming missiles for defence over heavy armour plates. Its vertical shape adds a peculiar radar signature to confuse enemies as to which direction it is facing. 13T 4600m/s dV (but very low acceleration. Its a mechjeb job.) And a cruiser, the L-200C Panther, twin hulled with 18 lasers and 4 NERVA engines, it is designed destroy any and all targets in a system, it can also carry payload between its hulls thanks to a central docking port, allowing it to help with logistics. Once agin mainly reliant on shooting down missiles, but it can keep moving while missing half a hull thanks to plenty of RCS ports. 83T 5000m/s dV (better acceleration this time) I can supply craft files if needed, but i wont unless asked
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