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Everything posted by kurja

  1. Even when adding that reserve reduces your delta v? Just do the math; let's consider a small craft with a pod, heatshield, decoupler, flt 400 tank and a 'spark' engine. That's 3.5 tons total, 2.5 tons of propellant, dv 2659.8 m/s. Now let's add monoprop to the pod and two radial puff engines. Added mass drops our earlier dv to 2421.6 m/s - 238 less than before. Decoupling the LF tank and engine, monoprop & puffs give us 95.2 m/s, less than half of what was lost by adding them. In actual use it gets even worse as mass of the monoprop and puffs penalize every earlier stage as well. Not a very good thing?
  2. I should have said "monopropellant thrusters", I guess. But it doesn't matter, Puffs are just as bad or even worse as they're heavier while their Isp is only ten seconds higher.
  3. We seem to have a different use for "magnification", the usual formula would be telescope focal length divided by ocular lens focal length; so a 600mm long ota with a 3mm ocular would give 200x magnification. Typically, magnification of roughly twice the aperture of your scope in millimeters is the highest sensible magnification. More than that, and it gets blurry. Adding a 2x barlow lens doubles your magnification. Poorest, cheapest barlows such as those that often come with 100$ all in one- telescopes touting "now with zillion-x magnification!" are always too blurry to be of use for photography. Did you attach a dslr to your telescope+barlow for that moon photo (prime focus, without ocular)? What telescope do you have?
  4. So it's a barlow lens? It's quite usual to see lowered image quality with those, especially with a short ocular lens. Also, what's your total magnification versus aperture size? Could be just too much.
  5. There is no free lunch, and there definitely is no free delta v; Isp of RCS thrusters is so poor that even though they are small, you'll have more delta v by just not attaching them and draining the fuel from the pod.
  6. Is your OS localized (non-english)? I experienced a similar issue with an earlier version of KSP. Solution :
  7. Turns out only objects that are detected while on the designated orbit count for the contract.
  8. "Log Observation Data" appears to make the telescope work like any science part, giving a few science points, and "Start/Stop Object Tracking" I assume makes the telescope do it's thing and start finding "unknown objects", I've seen a few appear in map view - is the number of asteroids detected shown somewhere? My contract requires 17, telescope has been running for 184 Kerbin days, is it supposed to take this long?
  9. This time a little different picture of the night sky (at 0:08 o'clock). Polaris should be just above the tree on the right.
  10. An "easter egg story" to be discovered, the duna SSTV thing was pure genius and it is ineffably regrettable that it lead to nothing.
  11. Well, shoot. My experiments are now lost in the MPL and I'm not going to go 'round and gather everything for a second time, so I guess I'll just leave Bob in orbit until he gets me teh science points from that data. This new behavior of the MPL actually seems much more plausible.
  12. Are you sure? I'm under the impression that it only does what it says on the tin - alignment.
  13. I was under the impression that you could process an experiment in the lab module for "data" that can then be researched for science points, but that the experiment itself (thermometer reading, surface sample, eva report, whatever) could then still be taken and returned to Kerbin or transmitted. At least I think that's how it worked in earlier versions? But that does not seem to be the case. Once an experiment is processed to get data for research, I can no longer remove it from the Lab module. Is there a way to take the experiment for recovery or it it lost forever once processed? If not, what does this imply game-play-wise - it will take a long time to get the precious science points from the lab for what is apparently a small gain, not worth the hassle?
  14. Still, images that have different fov per pixel would first somehow have to be re-scaled to match each other, before anything else can be done (except calibration of individual lights which should be done first anyway). I can't see how it could otherwise work at all.
  15. Integrating frames from different hardware that inevitably have different field of view per pixel among other things, will not be simple by any means. It has been done, though I have no idea how. Do you have a plan for a workflow?
  16. Really nice, I especially like the color you've achieved. Corners are a little stretched but not too badly. What's the full resolution of the image, are you going to have it printed?
  17. Vessel names as viewed in VAB are affected as well. In flight they are displayed correctly though. Issue is seen in mission control too. The VAB floor flicker that I first saw in 1.2 is still there too, as in the picture (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149787-12-vabsph-floor-marking-flicker/#comment-2799844). Kernel: :~$ uname -a Linux desktop 4.4.0-78-generic #99~14.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 27 18:49:46 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  18. I have the same issue (in ubuntu 14.04). Names of vessels generated for/by rescue missions are similarly garbled.
  19. Pity. Should have been space bar.
  20. https://eiscat3d.se/content/eiscat3d-new-arctic-radar-space-weather-research-gets-go-ahead-construction Ten thousand antennas with 5 to 10 MW transmitter, expected to be operational in northern scandinavia in 4 years. It will be interesting.
  21. There is no such thing as too many frames. More the merrier, but ofc they have to be good ones, mixing poorer frames with better ones does not help. I don't use darks at all (dslr). So at night I just try to get some lights, if successful, I leave the camera attached to my lens and make flats & bias frames the next day and that's it.
  22. At moment of separation they were moving at same speed, right? Reading jumps from 6k to 24k. And slows down from that to 18k (24 - 18 = 6?) when booster lands. It also says "stage 1" all the time.
  23. At time of stage separation it says the vehicle is moving at 6000 kph, and a second later 24000 kph - and once back on the pad, 18000 kph. What's going on with that??
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