Please steal my plugin! Seriously, the plugin has been feature complete for my own purposes for a while now, so having someone else take over the job of maintaining it, keeping in up to date and extending it with new features is doing me a big favor by taking over what for this point would just be work for me, and work I honestly don't have time for at the moment -- this is literally the first time I've had time to even login to the KSP forums in over ten days, and I'm currently both very busy and dealing with personal issues that are probably going to take a few more weeks at minimum before I'll have much time to do any kerbaling. So, I'm going to change the name of this thread to indicate that from now on, this thread will be all about my parts pack and that alone, and the new TweakScale plugin thread will be started by the new maintainer in the very near future. Future releases of my parts pack will be adjusted to depend on the new version of the plugin just like any other third-party mod would. And it will be simply called the TweakScale plugin, since it wouldn't be fair to keep calling it my TweakScale plugin when I'm no longer the sole author. I do have some new parts, or at least some new models (replacing a couple of the welded parts currently in the pack with unique models) already done that I just haven't gotten around to rolling into an update yet, but I'm honestly not sure when I'll have time to do that given current events IRL. But in any case, I'll wait until the dust settles on the new thread so I can release the next version of the parts pack in a way that makes it depend on the new fork instead of maintain its own redundant and dated version of the plugin. And seriously, thanks much for taking over maintenance of the plugin. This is what open source is all about. Throw some code out there, and let some other schmuck do all the work of making it great while you sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.