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Everything posted by Gaius

  1. Agreed, but there is one thing: the PDF seems to mix up the Anvil IV and V on the last two pages...
  2. Hehe, yeah. In fact, it should probably be about triple. Observe: Way more than twice the size, look at the room between the Rockomax tanks, plus all the room above. I'd ballpark it at about triple the size.
  3. I'm loving the look of this, and I hate you for making me redo all my existing space stations. BTW, the THSS-001-C description implies that it has an RTG and decent rotPower, but it appears to have neither (identical stats to the Okto). EDIT: One more quibble -- the big fuel tank is more than double the size of the big orange stock tank, but holds just a sliver more fuel?
  4. Yes, simply adding "scale = 1" to old mods that had their node alignments messed up fixes them. No need to change any of the node numbers.
  5. The old parts still work fine if you place them in the legacy Parts folder. Just keep them there until you've converted all your craft to using the new parts.
  6. The latest dev build moves the tab so it doesn't conflict with those other buttons. Still not moveable, but at least it no longer conflicts with the game UI.
  7. Oh, right, for those maneuvers where you enter an altitude (rather than just "do at periapsis"), yeah, it'll say your orbit doesn't reach that altitude, even though it does. I've seen that... just assumed those features didn't work, I didn't realize it was because I was on a hyperbolic trajectory.
  8. I know you can do some things to hyperbolic orbits. I recently put a mapsat into orbit about a planet, adjusting the inclination while coming in, still hyberbolic, before circularizing at periapsis (I think I adjusted that while incoming too).
  9. Not true. As I mentioned above, I add: MODULE { name = TacFuelBalancer } ...to all my command pods. Works perfectly.
  10. Well, when KSP 2.0 is released, we'll let you know. For now, it works with 0.20.
  11. Hmmm... F7/F8 seem to take me through the cameras in the same order.
  12. Yeah, the description in post 1 is kinda poor. The tab appears if and only if you place the MechJeb part on your rocket. It's found under the Control parts. If you want it to appear without that, you need to add: MODULE { name = MechJebCore } ...to all your command pod CFG files.
  13. KSP is wonderfully mod-friendly that way. It may seem "odd", but I prefer the term "glorious".
  14. I got it working by simply placing the dll in KSP_win/Plugins. Don't put anything in GameData, this plugin hasn't been updated for 0.20 yet. Only put plugins designed for 0.20 inside GameData (unless you want to go through and edit all the cfg files and stuff yourself). I can't comment on placement issues, since I don't use the supplied parts. Instead, I just add: MODULE { name = TacFuelBalancer } ...to my command modules.
  15. Hmm, thanks Laminator. After reading that though, I'm wondering if it would work to simply MKLINK /D (the Windows equivalent of ln -s) the old directory path to the new one... gonna try this: cd KSP_win\PluginData mklink /d ISA_MapSat ..\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat ...and see what happens. EDIT: It works! I can now resume kerballing through the cosmos while waiting patiently for the next ISA MapSat update.
  16. I noticed that the "mesh" folder (in the same folder as my .dae file) is no longer being populated. Is this intended? Everything seems to be working regardless. As long as if I make changes to the COLLADA file, it actually gets made in the game (I used to ensure this by deleting the contents of the "mesh" folder)...
  17. Hmm. I installed on a fresh 0.20, seemed to work, mapped Kerbin. However, after I quit the game and came back later, it had lost the map it made. "No Terrain Detected" it says...
  18. No problems with nuclear engines, I use them all the time. The problem is that the engine is probably a lot heavier than the engine you had on the top before. This has changed the center of gravity on your rocket and made it much more difficult to control. Try adding stabilizers, or replace some non-vectored engines with vectored ones if that's an option.
  19. Several of the components have become stock parts. Not just cupola, but also the smaller lander can, the two remote guidance units (with new, spiffy models), and the "Atlas" rocket (renamed the "Skipper"). Might be others too, that's just what I've noticed so far... That said, keeping the old ones in the pack but in 0.20 format might be a good idea for people who still have flights with the old components on. We can always manually delete the parts we don't need.
  20. Matching the rescaleFactor value actually doesn't work. For my parts I needed to set: scale = 1.0 rescaleFactor = 1.25 ... in order to restore 0.19 behavior. Setting scale to 1.25 is what I tried first, but that actually moved the nodes well outside and away from the model.
  21. FWIW, the vanilla PK-NUK appears to be based on the SNAP-19 RTGs used in the Pioneer 10/11 spacecraft. They produced 40W of power. The BES-5 Buk reactors used on some large Soviet satellites produced 3000W of power, and weighed only 1 ton. Translating that into KSP terms, if a PB-NUK generates 0.75 power, a one ton BES-5 equivalent ought to generate 56.25, and your 1.7 ton RTG should probably be generating even more...
  22. Some mods come with a PluginData folder that needs to go somewhere from the start... While I'm here, may I direct attention here? I may have picked the wrong forum to ask that question, might have been better asked here.
  23. It has its own special module to control the lights on the case (you'll notice they change depending on which module is in operation -- very noticable when you have multiple MechJeb-enabled vehicles docked at a station).
  24. Ah, that's the one I've been using until now (downloading the new as I type this). Any significant changes to look out for?
  25. Any way to change the landing target selection marker color? Right now when I try to pick a landing site, I usually cannot read the N/S coordinate, as it's white text on a yellow background so bright that the text is effectively invisible.
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