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Everything posted by Gaius

  1. Hmm... I'm having tabs for tags continue to appear after the tag is set to "Visibility: None"... but that aside, it seems to be working quite well.
  2. I went through my KSPX and deleted everything that's now stock, and the non-monoprop Stratus-V tanks that I never used anyway (the monoprop versions are now stock). When I was done, I was left with just nine remaining parts! Under KSPX/Parts/Control: large_sasModule, mini_asas, and mini_sas. Under KSPX/Parts/Propulsion: large_nuclearEngine, large_shortMonoTank, large_tripleFuelTank, and small_escapeTower. Under KSPX/Parts/Utility: small_ionEngine and small_xenonTank. The (A)SAS parts need updating to work with 0.21, but it's a pretty simple fix. Open each of their part.cfg files and make a few quick changes. Near the top of each will be a line that reads "module = SASModule" or "module = AdvSASModule". Change those to read "module = Part". Then, at the bottom of each, you'll see a section that starts with a comment "// --- SAS parameters ---". Delete everything between that comment and the next one, then add a MODULE section for the new SAS parameters. Here's what I put for mine: In large_sasModule/part.cfg: MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 12 YawTorque = 12 RollTorque = 12 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.2 } } (I just copied that section from the Mk1-2 command pod, giving the large SAS module the same torque.) In mini_sas/part.cfg, I put: MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 0.4 YawTorque = 0.4 RollTorque = 0.4 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.04 } } This is slightly more torque than a normal probe core. I decided to do that after noting that the stock SAS module has slightly more torque than the stock Mk1 command pod. Finally, for mini_asas/part.cfg, I put: MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 0.4 YawTorque = 0.4 RollTorque = 0.4 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.04 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } Same as the SAS, but with the additional module section the former ASAS units now have. That should do the trick...
  3. Yeah the only thing that I can think of that might need changing is the SAS/torque parameters for the "probe" cores that I usually don't use anyhow... EDIT: Heh, just looked at the current ones -- they don't use any of the old rotPower/linPower settings, so I guess they don't need to be updated, since they never had any torque to begin with.
  4. Hmm, it's been 21 days since the last Jenkins build. For that to be "several months", your planet's moon(s) must orbit with much shorter periods than Earth's. Welcome, Martian, to our forums! EDIT: Whoops, I misread that first quoted "has" as "hasn't"...
  5. Right right, but as noted there, that's a problem with stock KSP, not this mod. I should clarify, when I said symmetry is "working perfectly fine for me", by "fine" I meant "normal", i.e. symmetry works the same with the mod installed as it does without it (save that you can now switch modes). The mod doesn't magically fix existing bugs in the game, it just doesn't add any new ones as far as I can tell, at least with regards to how symmetry works.
  6. I just finished watching Moon and I wanted to say, thanks for putting me on to a great film. Now I just wish we could get the many faces of GERTY into one of the little windows in the lower right in place of one of the kerbals... his little back-and-forth face switching would be perfect just before launch.
  7. Yes, but... what OP originally proposed was the equivalent of not discovering Mars until you'd sent probes to the Moon, and not discovering Jupiter until you've sent probes to Mars. That's just absurd. But it would be pretty neat if, upon first entering Jool's SOI, a bunch of tiny new moons appeared in addition to the big ones you already knew about, simulating all the new tiny moons discovered by probes like Voyager. This sort of "fog of war" is realistic... as long as certain things are kept in mind, such as distance as well as size. Gilly in orbit of Saturn might not have been discovered until space probe era, but Gilly in orbit around Venus would have probably been discovered by Galileo.
  8. I'm sure that will never be taken away -- there's a reason the pack comes with solar panels. But if you look at the part.cfg, you can see there's a comment in it under the first MODULE section that says, "//remove this to make it not use power". Remove everything between that and the "//end power removal" comment and Bob's your uncle...
  9. Hmm. Symmetry is working perfectly fine for me...
  10. *psst* Kragratheans... the name is kinda a hint...
  11. You mean you put them in the /Parts folder under /Squad? You shouldn't put anything in /Squad. Make your own folder under /GameData, name it whatever you like (e.g. "BenieCo"), create a Parts folder under that, and put your customized parts there. This basically makes your own mod, which will be recognized and autotagged as such. /KSP_win/GameData/BenieCo/Parts/largeTank/...
  12. Apparently they do work with MechJeb -- I was freezing the vid at screens showing UI, and it shows MechJeb executing orbit and landing maneuvers on these bodies. Incidentially, I counted 11 celestial bodies beyond the standard set. In order of appearance (of the name): Bogy, Joker, Beta Juice, Inferno, Heart of Gold, Trillian, Alpha Juice, WhySo, Serious, Aqua, and Krag. Did I miss any? Also, were Alpha & Beta Juice the names of the two stars?
  13. ... Did someone see where my jaw went? It fell on the floor a few minutes ago, didn't quite see where it rolled off to...
  14. Next release will break save files. Might not break craft files, but we don't know if any release will ever do that (probably, but you never know). Since a lot of people will be essentially starting fresh anyway, it might be a good time. I don't know which problems Frederf might have encountered, but I know spaces in names make ModuleManager grumpy.
  15. In the part config, there's a line that sets "ejectionNoseDv". Set the value to "0.1" or smaller ("0" stops rotation entirely, "0.1" seems about right for me, anything more is bloody dangerous. Alas, the defaults are bloody dangerous...)
  16. I love it! One minor nit: the names for the fairing side shapes are a bit confusing. To me, "capsule-shaped" invokes images of space capsules like the Command Pod Mk1 or Mk1-2, which are cone-shaped. I think the proper term for what you're calling "capsule-shaped" is "ellipsoid", although most people would call it "egg-shaped".
  17. ...and the pictures, and everything else. In fact, it's an Anvil V on the page labeled IV, and a IV on the page labeled V. The names got reversed.
  18. Whether a mod is abandoned or not is irrelevant. The only question is who holds the copyright and under what terms do they license it. Now, if you have a released version where the author commits the mod to the public domain, or licenses modification and redistribution, then you can upload an update. Otherwise, no, you can't, regardless of whether it was abandoned or not.
  19. The shape is great. If they're at all "a little bland", it's not due to the shape. The texturing could possibly be given a bit more love, though...
  20. Remove the old MechJeb command pod or part from your vehicle, and attach the new MechJeb part. The two versions can actually live side by side in your installation, you pick which version you want to use by selecting the appropriate part to place on your vehicle. (Not sure what happens if you attach both at once -- might cause nasal demons.)
  21. Ehrm... most fans don't require liquid oxygen. Just either electric power or gas or the like ("liquid fuel", by KSP parlance).
  22. How about an option where if there are two different resources under a hex, the color of the hex switches between the two colors every second or two?
  23. Would it be possible to not blend the colors, but simply draw them side by side, so if you were displaying two resources at once, the left half of the hex would be one color and the right the other? And for more, you just keep slicing the hex into narrower pie-wedges? EDIT: Whoa, double-ninja'd! xD
  24. Doesn't much matter in this case. The automatic granting of copyright (with no registration or notice required) is part of the TRIPS agreement, an international treaty ratified by 158 nations and respected by even more. It would not surprise me if, yes, everyone who plays KSP lives in a country where this is the law.
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