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Everything posted by rowns

  1. I know that website but im searching that thing Scott Manley use in his Video.
  2. Hi all, I need help, i did already ask in the add on section, but nobody answer so i hope that this is going to be better plss watch this thread:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46772-Need-Help-with-Mechjeb-Phase-angles?p=603459#post603459 Greetings Rowns.
  3. I use a mac, but really i havent had any big problem like lagg when playing ksp, it seems that im doing something wrong
  4. Well i would like to join but, where can i get a ship?
  5. Can somebody tell me how this work, how to built those ships and the rules. because im interested.
  6. How do you even built those ships? just want to know im interrested. but im still a noobie with ksp.
  7. You should watch Scott Manleys tutorials they are great: http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg
  8. Well i did play it but the loading did take to long for me.
  9. Sorry for being off topic but how do you shoot those anchors?
  10. Hi all, I hope you guys can help me, im searching for a good looking F2p FPS game for the mac. Just let me know if you know a nice fps game. Thank you very mutch.
  11. So my last Drone wasnt built with only stock plane so i did rebuilt it looks almost the same but with smaller fuel tanks and ION engine. Craftfile: http://www./?y14cs4mklow9it0
  12. Which ion engine and tank do i need to use then?
  13. Can you tell me which part isnt stock so i can change it?
  14. So i wanted to be in this project but im pretty new to this game, bought the game 8th of june this year. so i cant build carriers or something, so i built a drone based on the drones he did use. It is called: Drone I , it is hard to fly and i dont know how to fix the batteri problem, but it can fly around kerbin, or how do you call it. Pics: And this thing comes with a rocket: Craftfile:http://www./?azf5e8tvtf9qc1a
  15. HI all, Today i did make a VTOL plane, the only mod i did use is B9 Aerospace mod and some stock parts. This plane is hard to fly and i did try to make it better but i didn't succeed but it is a funny plane to fly. http://imgur.com/a/C0o9y#0 When you start you can turn the engines with:1 (this is the first time i use actions groups, and i still dont know how to use it really). And when you take off you have to press S sometime or it will flip over. And i have the game only for one month now, so think you get a very good plane. Craft file: http://www./download/a4skyj5y74w4pfs/VTOL.craft
  16. I can remember when i bought this game (8 June 2013) a few days later the game was cheaper LOL, but anyway i dont care because the game is worth the money.
  17. Hi thank you i think that it works now i only need to find a server and take a look at it.
  18. Hi yes i think that i did place everything on the right place the plugin at least, im not sure about the parts folder, havent seen them in game yet. And i did place the .exe file in the map where all the other things are standing like gamedata, savefiles, ships etc etc. I hope that you can help me, Greetings me.
  19. Well it isnt that easy, because i have a mac, and i dont know what to type in terminal, and i did already instal mono.
  20. I hope somebody can help me i did read the readme but i dont understand where i need to place the KLFclient and KLFserver.exe, i did already place this on the mod support page but nobody did help me and i think that more people read this section of the forum.
  21. I hope somebody can help me i did read the readme but i dont understand where i need to place the KLFclient and KLFserver.exe
  22. Thank you that rocket looks good and give me a idea how to built one.
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