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Everything posted by hellion13

  1. My guess is going to be this asteroid mod they got up. Its something thats already in the game, but needs a lot of work. It would add actual asteroid belts, along with the few random ones that generate around Kerbin.
  2. On the space center screen you could use slightly altered animations/paths from the VAB/SPH, outside that I imagine it gets a little difficult and i agree frankly its not much of an issue...just a neat idea. Maybe have special Bill, Jeb and Bob versions that disappear when being used or dead.
  3. I dont think we will see a full spectrum stable x64 until stock KSP makes full use of x86. At the moment, stock KSP runs just fine relatively, so no need to really work on the x64. Sure they have researched it hence the version we have, but as we can see its nowhere close.
  4. Lol kinda glad Im not gonna be able to play until November. I'll end up with a more stable version. (Hopefully)
  5. Its done when its done, and then we will be clamoring for .25.1 because .25.0 is broken somehow. Lol
  6. I believe its the management part that needs work now. Exploration and plane/rocket design now have full (if slightly buggy) functionality. And while there could be denser, more diverse biomes, its not necessary(let the modders do that). What we have to work with now is unbalanced. Take the Manley video in which he maxed out science in a handfull of launches turning career mode into sandbox again. I like what Squad did with the Advisors in this next update, but I still see more we can do. Maybe have to hire Kerbals in order to do certain things, like do science. The more kerbals you have doing science, the more or faster it can be done. Base it off the stats that are already there. Smart ones increase science, dumb ones increase productivity inversely increasing rocket complexity and the brave ones increase flight accuracy/stability. We've only gotten a quarter of the way there. There is so much still to be done, I look forward to the game complete release
  7. Every day I marvel at what this game has become, and see more and more things that could be done to make it a more complete game. With .25, the path they are taking with this game, whether planned or just adhoc, becomes more clear. Its really not about turning it into a specific style of game, but incorporating different aspects of other game styles for each function of the game. With the Space Center screen representing the strategy style, the VAB/SPH representing the sandbox designer, and well, flight 'sim' is obvious.
  8. This is probably old news, but im gonna do this anyway. Im going to call this game sandbox complete. This means as far as parts and gameplay, the sandbox mode cant really get any better, other than little unnoticeable tweaks. But, now we have Career Mode. And it is thoroughly broken/incomplete. While we have the science aspect down pretty good, other aspects we are only just seeing are opening doors for even greater gameplay. Take the advisor function, instead of a flat rate across the board, we get to buff certain things at the cost of others. This will work fine for when we have an actual economy to deal with. But just having a currency doesn't mean an unstable economy(a good thing) will form. For this to work right it needs to depend on aspects that aren't in the game yet. Take for instance the parts themselves, we have factory/business names, and we can research parts, which right now gives us the parts. But what if, in order to use, say Kerbodyne parts, you had to research and build the Kerbodyne Factory? A building that would appear in the space center screen thats fully destructible(thanks .25). This would open many grand strategy like components. From research ability, production times, to the ability of the kerbalnauts to even fly. This is not so much of an add parts development, this is more of a lets make this game complete development. This could very well become a hybrid 4x grand strategy flight sim.....
  9. This might be a little shocking, but for the longest time I didnt pay for this game. But as I got more and more into it and read more and more about how it was being made I started to feel bad for what I was doing. This is the game that BROKE ME of pirating games. I literally deleted all the games that I had pirated because of this game. I then went created a Steam account and paid $23 for it. Karma being what it is though, it wasnt to last and I ended up losing the PC. Im now about to drop $1000 on a computer JUST for this game. THAT is what this game is worth to me.
  10. Spending hours designing and building the perfectly engineered rocket only to have it collapse in a cloud of glorious explosions.....
  11. I played it every day since the release of .17, I had a week of playing .20 and then lost my PC. Won't be until sometime November before i can play it again.
  12. I realize KSP only uses maybe 4gb.
  13. When i had it, my PC had an AMD FX-8350, 32gb of ~1800mhz ram and the HD7950 GPU. Running windows 7 I had all the mods I wanted with 1000+ part rockets and never went below 20fps. with maybe the odd crash but I can count on one hand how many times that happened. And this was before the texture reduction happened. I posted a lot about this back about a year ago, I understand that my rig was over powered for the game and not everybody can afford good parts, but I've also been in threads that had people, with rigs better than mine was, straight not be able to play.
  14. Also with that kind of power, cancelling a little thing like momentum becomes as easy as walking. So wild maneuvers like what we see in BSG, star wars, star trek, or any number of badly made sci fi flicks becomes possible. Its possible to pull this off in KSP with the right parts.
  15. As far as inaccuracies go, when you have ships capable of FTL travel, do you really think they are worried about deltaV? If they can go FTL, they also have an engine that has light years of deltaV and the shields/hull to compensate for whatever atmospheric entry profile they want.
  16. Lol i can't even play KSP and ive downloaded this, works excellent on my ancient Galaxy S3. Good work.
  17. Im working in a grey area, being some what exclusive to gaming with a connection "ostensibly locked" to just the steam library im thinking im fine there. As for expensiveness, $550 for the Alienware is quite a deal when its possibly the only way to experience Kerbal coming my way anytime soon, other than watching Scott Manley play....... My only concern really will be Kerbal playability at this point, though if for some reason KSP doesnt work or doesnt play well there are a few hundred other games on Steam ive been dying to play but couldnt.
  18. lol most definitely, I was kind of a pirate and i got caught. No fine or anything but they did take my custom PC and told me not to buy another. Now that i think about it im probably not actually banned but id rather not risk the ire buying a straight PC, i want some grey area to play in. Sad to say pirating is also how I got into KSP, but i later paid for a copy on Steam(hence the interest in Steamboxes) i also donated $50 to KSP on the webpage after giving up my PC in self repentance.
  19. No im not banned from consoles, i have a PS3, high end android powered TV along with a galaxy S4 phone so im actually not lacking in tech despite the ban.
  20. To hell with it id rather ask forgiveness for getting a games console, than never play KSP again, im not after some stupid illegal activities. I just wanna play KSP again.
  21. Im just going off the Alienware platform for the moment as its the closest to release, though functionality makes it one, its not technically a Steam box. More a heavily modified win8.1 machine.
  22. The Alienware Alpha has mouse and keyboard support so i actually dont see why it wouldnt run.
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