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Everything posted by hellion13

  1. Lol i can't even play KSP and ive downloaded this, works excellent on my ancient Galaxy S3. Good work.
  2. Wow, 1/4 of the way done. As much as i love the game,I guess I've never really imagined it would get as far as it has. You guys deserve all of the awards, ever.
  3. Im working in a grey area, being some what exclusive to gaming with a connection "ostensibly locked" to just the steam library im thinking im fine there. As for expensiveness, $550 for the Alienware is quite a deal when its possibly the only way to experience Kerbal coming my way anytime soon, other than watching Scott Manley play....... My only concern really will be Kerbal playability at this point, though if for some reason KSP doesnt work or doesnt play well there are a few hundred other games on Steam ive been dying to play but couldnt.
  4. lol most definitely, I was kind of a pirate and i got caught. No fine or anything but they did take my custom PC and told me not to buy another. Now that i think about it im probably not actually banned but id rather not risk the ire buying a straight PC, i want some grey area to play in. Sad to say pirating is also how I got into KSP, but i later paid for a copy on Steam(hence the interest in Steamboxes) i also donated $50 to KSP on the webpage after giving up my PC in self repentance.
  5. No im not banned from consoles, i have a PS3, high end android powered TV along with a galaxy S4 phone so im actually not lacking in tech despite the ban.
  6. To hell with it id rather ask forgiveness for getting a games console, than never play KSP again, im not after some stupid illegal activities. I just wanna play KSP again.
  7. Im just going off the Alienware platform for the moment as its the closest to release, though functionality makes it one, its not technically a Steam box. More a heavily modified win8.1 machine.
  8. The Alienware Alpha has mouse and keyboard support so i actually dont see why it wouldnt run.
  9. While I realize at the moment no actual Steam boxes are out, I was wondering how playable, if at all, KSP might run. This is a question of great interest to me. Ive been a fan since .16, and this game became literally the only game i wished to play. But round about .22 I got dumb and got myself banned from owning a PC by the FBI(lol). An ad for the Alienware Alpha at the local walmart brought the long lost hope of playing and supporting KSP back to me, which is why i ask the question. Because if so, ill forgo buying a PS4 or Xbone to afford the Alienware.
  10. i cant believe how perfect the thought of building with legos in KSP goes with the general theme of the game
  11. im glad some one is finally working on a decent model of the Saturn family of rockets, ive seen few others from before .21 that never really worked with the VAB we had then and with Tiberion's Nova(Slug)Punch 2 pack its possible to make a Kerbalized version, but a fully scaled Saturn would be a thing to behold given that with some .cfg changes the others work kinda in .21 but not all the way and are impossible to fly but actually fit in the VAB, although im wondering if, when this gets all filled out with the next 2-3 stages and an all up flight is possible if it will even fit in the much taller VAB we have now
  12. LOL i first started to play this game on a POS Best Buy HP and had HORRID performance issues and CTDs(especially with this addon), ended up saying EFF it and with a budget of $200-300 a month built the best damned AMD machine i could buy because 10fps wasnt enough for me to warrant the $400+ price difference between the AMD fx 8350, and intels i7 3k-4k chip, and i could still get the PCI-e 3.0 with the ASUS Sabertooth gen3/r2.0 MB(this has been my best purchase) running 2 HD7950 GPUs crossfire there really isnt ANYTHING i cant get 60+ fps out of(to hell with the micro stutter i cant even see it!!) it even stays cool as hell at 37C even with 1000+ part rockets flying
  13. @SHaFT7 it honestly took me getting a better PC build with MUCH faster RAM, in order to anything really big up, i was able to max out the physics calculations and it stabilized everything and that big bearcat 5x's gimbals tend to wanna kick everything around HARD so disable them and use a ton of SAS torque or use smaller control engines that can fall away with the bearcats im using 32gb of Corsair 2400mhz gaming RAM, it was a $200 chunk of change but it COMPLETELY stabilized my KSP experience...and yes i know that 32gb of ram is overkill but who the hell can say they have 32gb of ram LOL
  14. what engines are you using? i don't recognize them off hand.
  15. i personally think both the Saturn and the N1 programs both were ideas that could have gone horribly wrong, the Soviets went with bunch of small not very well tested engines, and the US went with a few REALLY BIG engines that also wasnt tested as well as they should have been case in point the test stand explosion, and the second Saturn all up test flight where the 3rd stage lost 2 of its engines, i think the N1 program MIGHT have made it if it hadnt been for the death the main Soviet Rocket Scientist, and the subsequent power struggle with his successors, they wouldnt have made it first but at least they would have made it and had a super heavy lift vehicle for later projects, like we did with the last Saturn launch and Skylab
  16. i have massive fuel issues with this, using the stock falcon 9 satellite launcher with payload, it can get all the way out to minmus orbit and still have half the fuel left in the tank, it was kind of a trip, I wasnt trying to go there but launched at the perfect window, got up for a soda came back to find i was moving at 3200m/s and had a 10km encounter with minmus hurried up and hit X to kill thrust and still had half my fuel i was even able to return the first stage to kerbin FROM minmus i had so much fuel
  17. oh they worked, they worked fine until something inevitably broke in the 30 engine configuration and it blew up
  18. hmm, been playing around with this one for a while now, and ive gotten everything to work finally, so i created another KSP game and edited the .cfgs so i had everything right off the bat, to test out what all this was capable of. seems to me the thermal engines have better lifting capabilities before they are retrofitted, but immensely better isp after the retro fit, but therein lies my issue its all fine and dandy to get a whole warp capable ship into orbit and beyond with teh stock engines, but once i upgrade i fail to even reach orbit with an engine that used to be SSTO easily, my way around that was to retro fit IN FLIGHT around 60k altitude turning the engine in to a viable orbital engine with out burning all my fuel up, going from an isp in the 1000s to an engine with an isp in the 10s of thousands, then my second issue hits once im in orbit, actually getting anywhere, i follow the instructions and wait untill where im going is at its closest point, and activate now this is the second issue, DEACTIVATING the damned thing fast enough to park my ship with in a viable orbit, i warp in at .1 C and by the time i can get the menu up again im a half a billion miles away already,( my UI disappears when i warp and i have to re click the drive to get it back) even setting it up as a action group does little to help, unless i skip across the system in short jumps but then im wasting time and i have to time accelerate to wait for the drive to charge and then im wasting RCS to get my target back in my reticule. i think what this needs most is a targeting computer, something that can deactivate the drive once you hit a predesignated altitude above the target planet so all the pilot has to do is flip the ship and decelerate or accelerate in to orbit, and to fit in with the scope of the mod make it upgradeable for accuracy.....
  19. didnt realize how powerful the thermal rockets are....the details are a bit misleading had much fun blowing up while figuring this out
  20. so... can some one please explain to me how this is supposed to work with out editing configs? i wanna get everything going from scratch but none of the parts seem to do anything the science lab stays locked, and i cant put any kerbals in it with out making them disappear....
  21. it really isnt a bad engine, its used in pretty much every rocket i make LOL, i mostly use it as a command/service module engine but every now and then it gets put to use as a booster
  22. i LOL'd when i read that, engines look great for having no textures, any idea on specs tho? i am now having daydreams of a nuclear powered Apollo command module with the 2.5m and with a 1.25m nuclear lander bound for Duna and Beyond
  23. ive always liked the idea of the nuclear engine, but both the stock engine and the 2.5m nerva have always been way to big to be of any use to me, but a lower profile nerva as a CM engine with around 50-75 thrust, and smaller radial nervas as LEM engines would work wonders
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