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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. And what, pray tell, is that? Reverse image search shows that it's a silly fanart for quantum computing. Still not sure why it has anything to do with air intakes in a vacuum.
  2. Are those air intakes I see on those ships? Your design is rendered unviable by space's lack of air.
  3. No way. I get evil death hiccups on a weekly basis already, no need to compound that. Pressing this button will: -Cure you of ever getting normal hiccups. But: -Every time someone says the word 'hiccup' within earshot of you, you will experience one single, very intense hiccup.
  4. You lack the space infrastructure to launch something with enough delta-V to launch me into the sun. You also lose all deletion privileges on every computer that the posters on this thread interact with, preventing you from deleting anyone ever again. You are also forbidden from responding to this post with the Grumpy Cat or any other meme on pain of exile. The next person to post who is not alemagno12 is required to babysit alemagno12 and persuade him to stop posting the same things over and over.
  5. I'm totally not gonna damage the ISS so the best I can give you is the huge expense of the shuttle program that used to service it.
  6. Just gonna leave this quote here in every post from now on where it applies. Meanwhile, I'll deploy this geometrically-dubious sci-fi shield against those gravity bombs. Edit: ninja'd. o well
  7. Autoclave and bomb calorimeter all-in-one which Is Totally A Thing, Trust Me I'm A Scientist
  8. Thermobaric missile experiences minor thrust-vectoring misalignment shortly after launch. (and generally requires lots of air to explode and probably wouldn't be the ideal weapon to destroy Huge Tungsten Block In Space, but hey, at least it's not bionicles ;p )
  9. Floor 979: This floor contains nothing but computer labs full of 5-year-old Dells and 12-year-old kids playing Minecraft while screeching middle school profanities at each other. Floor 979 may also contain The Loop, but this is unconfirmed.
  10. So tough, I don't even use smileys very much. To the extent that If I feel like putting or in my posts for extra effect, I disable smilies. Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?
  11. ~$ls /dev/metasys ... ... Current hills confirmed not to be run on any sort of meta-computer. All deletions of hills confirmed to be impossible short of actually accessing the forum server, with an appended request that all lame memes be returned to 2009 where they belong. I locate a hill on Laythe and inverse-claim it. All of Laythe's landmasses except for that hill are mine.
  12. Where's the definitive evidence that you're not? What if Jool were twice as far from Kerbol as it is now?
  13. Gettin real tired of nukes/planet destroyers being used as a default response for anything. I now present you with: GIANT TUNGSTEN BLOCK IN SPACE. Giant Tungsten Block In Space doesn't care if you nuke it, the blast will just fling it away. Fire is also right out. Giant Tungsten Block In Space is not on a planet, so planet destroyers won't work/won't be able to target something that tiny. Giant Tungsten Block In Space is also immune to giant guns, mud, memes, atmospheric reentry, high-speed impact, ban hammers, factors which prevent it from existing in the first place (like expense/budget cuts), the big red button, anything remotely resembling space marines or bionicles, being banned, transformers, or, for that matter, anything seen on the last ten pages of this thread. Find something new to throw at this, please.
  14. I'm so tough, I only drink my tea steeped overnight. Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?
  15. We're well on our way to seeing this thread locked, I imagine. Fun forum game lifehack: Don't reuse posts. Ever. Originality (or at least original juxtaposition) is the whole point. Meanwhile, since I'm going to assume that's Arm and Hammer-brand baking soda...
  16. This was because I just clipped my fingernails. The separation and momentum transfer of the clippings being propelled away from my hands was technically an explosion, but I suffered no ill effects, obviously. The next poster is unrolled and hung up on the wall to advertise for an upcoming sci-fi movie.
  17. I'm so tough, I wear a pendant made of enriched uranium as a fashion statement! You all have radiation poisoning. Welcome to [DATA EXPUNGED], how tough are you?
  18. [Error: Same attack used 4 consecutive times. Now classified as "overused attack" and disregarded.] The next poster is locked in a room with nothing but whole-grain cherry pop tarts and jolly rancher soda.
  19. Um, yes, sir, you might want to talk to my boss about that, sir. What the heck, Steve? Waiter! My soup is resonating!
  20. I'm still in the hard drive of my server, which you apparently just disconnected from by breaking your client computer. I ban your IP from ever reconnecting. The next poster is standing in a parking lot while I dump one metric ton of small rubber bouncy balls on their head from a helicopter.
  21. Oh well. There will be more habitable planets in this protoplanetary disk someday.
  22. My avatar is most certainly not a mutant cat. Meanwhile, [Error 404: Avatar not found.] --Special condition: Someone besides Alemagno must respond to this post.--
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