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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. You once again fail to delete me because you are operating a Windows virtual machine under a Linux server and do not have administrative privileges on the latter. I move the next poster to the /dev/usb directory and unmount them.
  2. Oh, no sir, I can assure you that we do not allow happening in this establishment. Waiter! My soup is behaving as though the speed of light is a centimeter per second! It keeps undergoing fusion with my spoon, waiter!
  3. Floor 974: You put on scuba gear, pass through an airlock, and find yourself at the bottom of a kilometer-tall cube of clear water, illuminated throughout by what appears to be Cherenkov radiation.
  4. I am /homeless and live in the /etc directory, so you cannot delete me without sudo privileges. Unfortunately you do not have those, because I have the /etc/sudoers file in here with me, and have made sure that you are not on it. I run rm -rf /home/next-poster.
  5. Floor 972: Measurements have detected a net energy outflow from this floor, but no one is able to find it despite ransacking every corner, nook and cranny. This floor is a huge mess.
  6. Wrong. Viruses are unaffected by antibiotics.
  7. Think your aliens are immune to the common cold? Well, do you?
  8. No. That sounds like drugs, to be honest. Pressing this button will: -Give you powerful psychokinetic abilities that will allow you to lift, manipulate and throw objects with your mind. But: -These abilities will not be paralyzed like your body is when you sleep, creating the potential for your dreams to have large real-life implications.
  9. 15 = 4*4-4/4 16 = 4*4 17 = 4*4+4/4 18 = 44/(4.4444444444-((4+4)/4)) i know i used division twice. pretty please?
  10. Nah. Being an admin sounds like too much responsibility/work than I can put into anything right now, nor would I really want to be the admin of a forum. And getting banned for a year doesn't sound like fun either; I like this place. Note: You must elaborate on why you decided to press/not press this button, rather than just saying "yes" or "nope". Pressing this button will: -Give you a pen that can write in any possible color, selected just by thinking of the shade you want. -Guarantee that this pen has inexhaustible ink, can write indelibly on any surface with precision, will never bleed through, and will always reappear in an undamaged state in your pocket if lost or broken. But: -If you write with it, the font style will automatically change to resemble Comic Sans.
  11. That is many orders of magnitude above the Planck temperature and is therefore most certainly impossible. Your phony thermodynamics have no power over me! I deposit the next poster into the upper atmosphere of Jupiter with no shielding of any kind, then vanish through a barely-stable wormhole before they can follow me.
  12. [The Enrichment Center once again reminds you that the rubber boots cannot speak. In the event that the rubber boots do speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard their advice.]
  13. Granted. It only connects via 612-pin parallel port. I wish for a retroactive-imaging camera that can view its current visual field at a time displaced by a variable amount into the past.
  14. 10 = (55-5)/5 11 = 55/5 12 = (55+5)/5 ...someone else is going to have to do 13
  15. Floor 966: This floor is very tall and spacious, and has a little hand-cranked cable-climber attached to a black carbon nanotube ribbon suspended in its center, which you climb onto and use to winch yourself up nearly three kilometers before arriving at the next floor.
  16. Pressing this button will: -Give everyone in the world free unlimited 4G-speed mobile internet and, should they not already own a 4G-capable device, a solar/crank-powered ruggedized smartphone. -Instantly grant all Wi-Fi-capable hardware with magic 4G support. -Provide internet service providers with a steady supply of Mysterious Magic Cash to keep running even with no one paying. But: -The internet (specifically all DNS servers and routers) will have to be shut down entirely for two weeks in order to complete drastic improvements to the infrastructure that will allow it to handle the sudden increase in traffic. -All current websites will go down until their creators update them to be compatible with the new system.
  17. Securely winding the various reality threads around my fingers and yanking hard, I separate the comic sans planet and everyone who was on it. The former comic sans inhabitants find themselves floating in a little air bubble way out in interplanetary space, and I convert the comic sans planet's mass into a short, incredibly intense laser pulse aimed off into the random distance. I also redirect a tiny, low-energy beam off from the main hot pulse and use it to set Alemagno's hair on fire.
  18. I'm so tough, I can install Debian while under general anesthetic. which I ...sort of.. actually did, by the way. Welcome to the spitty saltoon, how tough are ya?
  19. Universe experiences overflow error. Super wins the game. Ans+1
  20. Eh, why not? *press* Pressing this button will: -Allow you to communicate telepathically with anyone at will over any distance (speed of light delays still apply). But: -Companies figure out how to do this too, and can send you telepathic advertisements that you occasionally have to sit through before you can send a message or get your incoming messages.
  21. Granted, but creation of closed timelike curves turns out to be impossible and you can only go to the future and not the past. You also have to hit .88 c (give or take a few percentage points) in order to make it work rather than 88 miles per hour. I wish I had unlimited-fuel rocket engines in my feet that had enough TWR to lift me up, wouldn't create much smoke or other pollution, wouldn't overheat my feet from constant use, and could be activated and deactivated quickly at will.
  22. You think that's bad? Try walking through 50 meters of foot-deep snow in bare feet to take the compost out every day in the winter. Also try: Atrocious unit-mixing.
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