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Everything posted by Bothersome

  1. I've been working with this atmosphere stuff all day trying to get it right. The overhaul version just didn't do it for me. Had great looking city lights but the clouds were way out. Better Atmospheres had the best clouds but the city lights were in the ocean (because they were set to Kerbin, not Earth). Anyway, finally got what I wanted. I had to mix it up a bit using parts from both mods and finding what works best. So here's the results. What do you think?
  2. KSP-64 seems to be mostly working fine for me (without TACLS). I played all day yesterday without a single crash. It has a few quirks like the Kerbal's faces in the three windows at the bottom right not getting updated but once a second. But nothing game stopping. Now I'll admit, it has a history of crashing at seemingly random spots. But it seems it's getting less and less of late. So how is that when KSP hasn't been updated for some time from Squad? I'll tell you how, the mods have been updated. And as time goes on, they find bugs and get them fixed. So, conclusion is, that not all those crashes are the fault of KSP-64.
  3. So is that September 14th, 1907? Or 2007? THAT's why engineers and software programmer want to use YYYY-MM-DD. On another subject... From what I can tell the Overhaul version needs another overhaul. These shots kind of kill the immersion.
  4. No, I tested again today, TAC-LS 0.10 has a problem SOMEWHERE. It was just crashing after attempting to resume a game. Even one just started about an hour before. Now today, I've enhanced my system a bit more with more cool stuff and with TAC-LS installed, it won't even get to the main game menu. This is of course on KSP-64 though. KSP wants 7.9 gigs of memory, so 32bit is OUT.
  5. I looked but I don't have that particular ship anymore, but I have one that is smaller but still causing me the same problem... The problem is that I already have all these parts in inventory except the booster. The reason the booster is cut back on fuel and power is because I DON'T want them going too high in space. DRE kills them from excess gravity if they go too high or too fast. Yet I can't build this ship and it's what I need for max savings. So I've had to resort to using more expensive ships and throw away the parts, OR I can turn off the use parts from inventory and just keep filling the warehouse.
  6. I'd have to agree. When you can do a single "test a 404 jet engine at 21000" that gives 135 science points, in a ten minute period, sure beats the hell out of building a complex space station weighing in at a couple hundred tons to make 60 science. OK once the station is build, you can keep using it. But a launch to get back about the same as a test engine contract is still a bit short. What the stations need to do is generate continuous science but at a fairly slow rate. And we need some kind of reward for gathering the science. What I'd like to see eventually, is a have a flag pole for every planet and moon. And once you have put a flag on that surface and returned home, you get to fly that planet's or moon's flag on it's pole at KSC. Then we could take screen shots and brag. Kind of like a reward for getting Kerbals to all places in the solar system. If we can't have that, then some kind of UFO ship could be given to use after completing everything. Some kind of high priced / hard to get reward.
  7. I don't know what's causing it but it's doing it again. This time I had told it to make 4 copies of the same ship. Once the first ship was completed, I returned to inventory the unused parts. Now the last two can be made because of the NaN problem. It had already started the second copy because I only had two build crews working. They had already started work on the second copy.
  8. I think it has something to do with having all the parts already made in inventory. When I put a part on it that wasn't already made, it added some time to the numbers and would let me build it, then launch it. Maybe if you were to just add an hour to the build time if you need it or not would solve the problem? I got past the problem, I'm building bigger rockets, and haven't saved up all the parts that's needed to keep away from this bug. When I first started the new game, I saved EVERYTHING. And I think on some of the actual launches, the craft was not to even leave the pad, so when I recovered the ship, all parts were back in inventory. So next time I used that ship, all parts were already made. They didn't need fuel cause the mission didn't require me to leave surface to complete the mission. BTW, all settings are default.
  9. Yea, been there done that. Even drove around on it some. Here's the story behind what I say.
  10. My problem is that the ship I want to build will not complete and move to the VAB Storage so I can launch it. The only way I can launch it, is by adding a ton of other stuff to it that I don't need so it cost me some more time to build it. If I pick Use parts from inventory, the build time goes to 0. And then it won't build. Screen shot of the problem.
  11. I basically had the same issue too. After a few days of tracking down the problem, I have determined the problem to be in TAC-LS 0.10. Just remove TAC-LS and you can load your game. Resources won't be used until a bug fix is out (hopefully, in the next release).
  12. Thanks, guys for the tips, I've about decided to RESTART my career AGAIN because I looked at the awesome Kerbal Construction Time mod thread.
  13. I'm currently playing a RO career game. One of the mods that I've added is KSPI-Lite. I know, for a realism mod, it doesn't seem a proper fit. Yet it sure adds fun and fantasy to a realistic feeling game. Anyway, that's how I intend to get my space station to other planets, just warp them there. I haven't yet unlocked the warp drive, it's probably last in the research tree (and very expensive). This way I can get to far flung places without cheating. It's the reward for having worked my way though the tree.
  14. Here are some screens for your viewing pleasure, trying to show the planet/moon not the craft. (someone tell me how to place them behind spoilers) Notice how the hills and craters cast shadows. Yes the terrain changed from stock KSP.
  15. On 7.3, still can't change the launch sites. I don't have the button on the map screen that toggles them on and off. Did that somehow get turned off and needs turning back on?
  16. NathanKell, Firstly, thanks much for your effort into this mod. I was going to get a screenie for you but it just doesn't look right with the city lights in the ocean. I put in the main.png file to make the lights in the proper place. I can see the shape of the contents are correct, but the alignment is off. I've also changed my cloud rotation and heights from the BA install to reflect more accurate a real sized Earth. Default, the winds would have to be very, very strong to blow the clouds that fast. It now looks more normal. I can send you the clouds.cfg file if you'd like to take a look. I haven't changed any other planets yet though.
  17. I'm using EVE and BA in Realism Overhual (RSS). I had to modify the clouds a bit because they were indicative of Jupiter like wind speeds. I think I got em looking pretty good. I also took out the city lights portion because they were in the oceans more than on land. You'd be surprised at how much of the Earth is covered by water. City lights on the ocean just kind of ruins the immersion for me, so I pulled it out. I have not been to the other planets yet so I don't know what other oddities will show up. I'll fix them when I eventually get there. I can share the clouds config if anyone wants it. Like I said, only Kerbin (Earth) has been adjusted. Just PM me if you want it. Here is a somewhat decent screenshot with BA used with RO.
  18. Here are a couple of new ones that I've never seen before today... and Sorry, I couldn't find the spoiler tag.
  19. I'd just like to post a performance report that I thought was because of RO's complexity, or basically in order to play in best realism, you needed a ton of mods to get the simulation right. I had chosen not to install to many extras like Environmental Effects because I feared it would cause even more problems from loading down the system even more. One of the side effects I was having was the problem of pulling up the right-mouse-button menu for parts on a ship. You know to activate it or whatever. I would sometimes have to try ten or more times to get that menu to finally pop up. I had found that if I did a "very fast" right click (touch it and get off it as fast as possible) it would come up a little more likely. Usually about once in three clicks. The bigger the craft, the more likely it wasn't going to pop up. Well, after installing a few more mods like chatterer and Better Atmospheres (with required mods), I am happy to say that the right mouse button context menu pops up just about every time now and without having to click it very fast (like normal even!!). Here is my list of currently running mods that I use for 64bit mode (only mode that will work with this much stuff) and all textures are the highest. Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157 [D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\MODS] RealSolarSystem7.2 Advanced Jet Engines DeadlyReentry RealChute1.2 RealFuels TweakScale ProcFairings RemoteTech FinalFrontier Interstellar PorcParts EngineIgnitor StationScience MechJeb2 FerramAerospaceResearch NovaPunch RealismOverhaul KerbalJointReinforcement Chatterer BetterAtmospheres Just thought I'd share this info so that in case anyone wanted to know a good combination of mods for RO.
  20. I don't know WHY I didn't think of doing what Galane is saying though. I'll have to give that a try. But I don't like docking ports in the middle of my rocket. They are too flimsy for my liking and you can't do a "control from here" on a large main tank, which is where I'd like MJ to control from.
  21. OK, here is my submitting, even though it was done in May 2013...
  22. sarbian, first, thanks for all the great work and time you put into this auto-pilot thing. I have a suggestion that you might like to put into MJ. It might be easy, it might not be, it might throw out your dV charting a bit. Basically, in using real fuels and realism overhaul, most of the boosters for instance have a power curve they follow. Currently, if MJ is running the staging, MJ doesn't "hit the next stage button" until the booster is totally depleted of fire/push. This is usually not optimum. Optimum time to discard the booster is when it is no longer pushing the craft. I don't know if you can know if a booster is pushing or pulling it back slower at a given output. It sure is cool though to watch your boosters peal away from your craft at just the right time. They only fall back slowly at first as they are pushed away with small rockets. Basically, if they're no longer helping, they need to go. The other thing as a suggestion is... MJ is controlling the controlling pod/unit. It is getting all of its angular velocities and whatnot all from that component. If that component is at the top (for example) the rocket, and the rocket is long and limber, then MJ tends to chase. Could a flag be added that we could turn on that would have MJ use the component closest to CoM instead, even if MJ's controlling unit is on the top/end? This would help with these problem type crafts. Right now, I usually put another MJ controller on a large tank about half way up the rocket and control from there. Keeps the chasing down, but when that tank is dropped, I run into problems (have to switch crafts with the ] key).
  23. That's an impressive station. I have JUST got my first plant life experiment running. Playing in career mode on RO,RSS,DRE,FAR,etc. And not knowing exactly what I need in order to make this research station function. Here is a picture of my science station doing it's first research on plants. This thing has cost me over 6 million so far. I ran out of money so I've got to do something to make some credits so I can finish building this station. I've also noticed that some sciences won't transmit the next component of science value. You can transmit, but I'm not credited with the science transmitted. For instance, I have gravity data in high Kerbin orbit. Say it would give about 7.5 science value. After transmit, not extra science points in register. Can redo collect gravity data, same result, same values. Is that due to this mod changing the science processes?
  24. Yes there are some buttons on the bottom right of the map screen that toggle them on or off.
  25. That is exactly what I'm saying. New install, new career game, play a little while then exit and go to bed. Then come back next day and can't load new career. Right now I'm playing on a fairly newish career. Cause I've gotten so far in the tree I hate to start again. This particular save HAD the TACLS when it was started. But I'm not having any problems since removing TACLS, so I keep playing.
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