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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Any chance you could in the future get ground vehicles to attack other ground vehicles with missiles in guard mode. For example getting the tow missile to function in guard mode instead on only being manual controlled?
  2. I ll keep that in mind. Im defiantly in favor of dropping the rescaled weapons.
  3. My latest creation and so far one of my most beautiful To bad its part count is too high for me to use
  4. lol if y'all get bored and just feel like making different designs I can name a bunch of stuff off.
  5. NA he doesn't have a problem. Kinda reminds me of the m202 Flash
  6. Then why not make a backpack that only holds "ammo". Keep the cannon ammo backpack for things like the At-4 and grenade laucnher but for the other guns like the M-16 and Desert Eagle just have it set as simply "Ammo". Sure not as realistic but it cuts down on part number and makes things more compatible. Just insure the heat the given off by the ammo is weaker than the 50 cal Plus if possible you can make the backpack look more like a backpack than just a box on the back but that can wait for the future if need be.
  7. Is that M134 that fires the 7.62x51mm Nato or is it the 20mm M6?
  8. Only because I decided to place them back further. Again I'm still working out the kinks in AI guard mode but for manual control its a dream
  9. Are the rotary racks in the right position. You have to make sure that its turned the right way. At the front and back of the rotary rack is an arrow. You MUST make sure that arrow is facing downward.
  10. As you can see it all depends on how you arrange it. Here you can see 4 racks with 8 500lbs bombs to make a total of 32 bombs. Its still kinda finicky in ai guard mode but in manual control if i set the ripple fire to 400 i can get a steady stream of bombs. also keep in mind that at the end of each rack is an arrow that points down (or up if upside down like in the pic) that shows how it needs to be placed. If the arrow isn't pointed down then it won't launch the weapons
  11. Again that's debatable. I'm packing 32 bombs in my B57 style aircraft and it has 2 small and one large mk2 bays
  12. not really. Im packing 4 racks of 8 cruise missiles in one largest MK3 cargo bay + 1 smallest cargo bay. If you are going for more than that I'm questioning what you are bringing to the gun fight Edit: hey BahamotoD another you that would be great if you added. The slider for the ripple fire bar. Can you make it so that we can have to option to either set the ripple setting in the VAB/SPH or type the desired number? Its just annoying trying to get that perfect number with the slider.
  13. How exactly does the AI bombing work? I set it 4 but it only drops 2 at most.
  14. Bug issue. RBS-15 when launches acts like it trys to fly but falls to the ground. It launches but crashes during booster stage. Never mind…i guess it was just a slight issue as a reset of the game fixed it.
  15. It seems you need a bit more clearance than you normally need. BahamotoD. I am loving the new update. For the future though would you consider adding attachment points to the rotary rack? It would make it more user friendly IMO. Thanks again
  16. As a gun enthusiast myself i find the grins normal lol. I can't wait to test them myself. One thing you should consider doing (if possible) is make it so that rounds fired from those guns like that M16 or Mac-11 have as little affect on things like armor as possible but still able to make a kerbal pop with enough rounds. That way it can't kill tanks (easily) but is still combat effective.
  17. Trust me if I had any know how I would be making the guns myself. Really the list I gave is just to get the wheels turning but I'm not expecting all of them Now I'm not saying have them actually reload but make some like the pistols semi auto (one bullet per trigger pull). Basically like how the 105mm howitzer has a time delay in-between shots you could set up the pistols to do something similar to give it the effect of not pew pew pew but rather pew...pew...pew
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