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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. So your saying a fighter jet should be using cargo plane size wheels?
  2. Small enough? it has 3 fuel tanks. The others are empty That i haven't. Granted im also on a budget but I ll try that
  3. Tried it. It took the entire runway to take off….that is if it didn't wobble its way down the runway and explode in a fireball
  4. A small jet aircraft with a weight of 20t shouldnt cause wheels to explode though I haven't used the fixed but from what I've heard they are experiencing similar issues
  5. My jet can take off at 50m/s yet still explode
  6. There is a difference between the tires touching and the part thats not the tire touching something else and causing the wheel not to work. Plus its KSP realism should not be too extreme Heck you can't build a rover to fit in the MKIII cargo bay without clipping the wheels in a bit.
  7. Yes i do. The wheels are trash. Everyone knows that Even the Admins have admitted it
  8. The you may just be one of the luck ones. Its my back wheels that explode.
  9. Im not saying all of us should go back to 1.0.5. That i speak for myself. I do speak for the most people when i say they wheels are far to broken.
  10. How? Ive speet 2-3 hours on one fighter aircraft and the small retractable landing gear in the back keep exploding as I'm taking off.
  11. Are you able to take off without landing gear exploding? It seems to be quite a common experience for many people I've talked to
  12. Except I've seen the vast majority of people in the thread have similar issues. If i say its just me then i get responses like "sucks to suck" or "its just you" when its happening to many of us I can't even get off the run way without them exploding
  13. So far all of my crafts I've had to go and fix. One in particular I've already spend close to 2-3 hours on and the gear still explodes on take off.
  14. So because you are happy with just rockets i should change up may play style and just accept 1.1 and its brokenness
  15. And when they get fixed along with the rover wheels I will gladly go back to 1.1 Im not hating on Squad. They should be proud of how far they have come. However some things that are detrimental need to be fixed. After all you can't make a rover fit in the MK3 cargo bay without using the off center gizmo to make the wheels fit better on the cargo but in the current 1.1 doing so makes the wheels unusable
  16. I will speak for us because those things are vital to the game There is no logical reason for landing gear to explode on take off
  17. So you are not having any problems with taking your jets off and not having the wheels explode? You know something that is needed for aircraft?
  18. Ive decided to go back to 1.0.5 until some major hot fixes for 1.1 come out. Better graphics and faster loading time are not enough to keep me in this update the landing gear on my fighter that works perfectly fine in 1.0.5 can't take off without destroying the wheels. Squad you are great and I love your amazing costumer service. Even when you do mess up you are quick to fix. I don't doubt things like this will get fixed ASAP. But until then I want something that is playable over something that runs faster and looks pretty.
  19. Im seriously debating going back to 1.0.5 until some major hot fixes for 1.1 come out 1.1 Pros: Better graphics faster loading Cons: Wheels can't be clipped Wheels can't be angled of center Landing wheels break far to easily 1.0.5 Pros Nothing is broken Cons Less impressive graphics Slower load time Over all 1.1.0 is a disappointment. I understand that the things that are broken are more of the game engines fault than Squads. However I think I speak for the most of us when I say it would have been better for Squad to wait till the unity engine is fixed of those bugs before releasing. For me personaly Im in a RP group and I relied on my vehicles not breaking. I get Squad is not making the game for me but for most of us we put so much time and effort into it that when there is a huge game braking issues like that in 1.1.0 we feel very let down. Ive always been impressed with Squad and how they handle everything. I also understand they are human so mistakes like 1.1 are bound to happen. Im sure they will get around to fixing it soon like they usually do. Thats what makes Squad so great. However while I do feel Squad is great when it comes to customer service, even they are not above criticism. Like I said 1.1 is a huge let down for most of us but Im sure Squad will bounce back soon. But until then….im going back to 1.0.5
  20. Yes i am aware of the work arounds. But fixes are better than work arounds
  21. I asked twice because no one responded and i asked yesterday so when i saw he replied to other people i thought id try to catch him and ask again. I only asked because I did no know where i could get it as it wasn't mentioned in the OP but yeah i get it. Cant wait for this to be 1.1 though Hope they are able to get around the clipping of wheels limitation
  22. Why is there no download link on the OP even for the 1.0.5 release
  23. So rather than putting off 1.1 until that issue could be fixed they decided to force a limitation and work on it later. Im normaly not one to bash Squad but….thats a poor choice IMO. Better to push back a product that works than push one that will break things
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