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Everything posted by protoz

  1. Both of your statements make no sense, your surprised that there is 99% chance people who use mods have mod manager? why is that suprising? Don't worry im not advocating a boycott of module manager, I just didn't know why this mod in particular wasn't working out of other USI mods, MM was included in zip file with all the USI mods before, now its not & i didn't notice it.
  2. Where are the dependencies listed?
  3. I have the green life support icon on my GUI but its status is blank, i have a vessel 21 days into launch and the icon is still green & blank.
  4. Why isn't this listed under USI catalog?
  5. KSP doesn't load pass FTT_Duckedfan_Lg during loading.
  6. I made a mistake with my numbers in earlier post the correct value is 1100/.52 = 2115 K+ per 365 days for 128 drills @ a .005 K+ crust concentration.
  7. Well in that picture i posted few pages earlier, one of the harvesters has 800 units of K+ at 193Days from start of harvesting and i took around 300 units of K+ earlier from each harvester so 1100 units of k+ in 193days, so your looking at somewhere in the ballpark of 193/365 = 52% 1,100 * .48 + 1,100 = 1,628 units of K+ each year per harvester. And i don't need to go to 1,000x timewarp to see the gain in resource window, 50x timewarp shows a gain of -0.01, but thats not important as i just told you the exact amount in previous sentence. Im not using FAR or Deadly re-entry, i crafted those vessel w. EPL at a price of ~35k rocket parts for each harvester which is built on the surface of Eve, they fly really slow i don't think FAR or Deadly Re-entry will have any effects if i was to use those mods. Also im not a fan of using 10,000x time warp, anyone can get infinite amount of K+, just leave your machine running overnight w. 10,000x timewarp & 1 drill. I like to build things in massive scale, i get to Eve in 50 days from Kerbin, I use several shipyards in EPL to build my vessels consecutively to save time, a colony of 30 thats self sustained, & i ran of things to do at this point while playing on career hard and only reloading due to EPL spontaneously exploding my crafted vessels.
  8. Right thats how my harvesters work on page 32's pictures. Otherwise I would have to give them a torch engine to bring that stuff into orbit, i'd imagine this will be the case if roverdude decides to change k+ logistics hub deal. I'll just end up making a torch ship w. ~1024 drills that harvests it on Eve's surface at a concentration of .005%. Which will still be infinitely times better in, efficiency, ease, harvesting speed, and scaling the magnitudes of K+ harvested then any amount of solar collectors.
  9. Logistics hubs, the harvesters pay for the transfer w. the karbonite storage they have.
  10. How i harvest K+, 128 drills on each of those vessels. Theres like 15 or 18 of them, i try to keep it 3 per cluster due to fps. Is .005% the highest concentration for crust karborundum? Also some ship made for kplus ship , might need some interstellar mods with this much fuel, efficiency, & thrust behind the wheel.
  11. So my only problem with this mod is this. And thats the GOOD outcome, the bad outcome is the crafted vessel spawns underground & instantly detonates. I essentially spend up to hours reloading saves because I can't get EL to spawn my vessels between, on, or around survey stakes. I should note that this behavior seems to be related to extremely large vessels. And this has been going on since i started using EL, at least the last 4 updates, including the current one 5.1.0
  12. Need some 5m part k+ drills, but still i think this beats solar collectors in every category, speed, efficiency, and difficulty. Set up as many hotspots of something like this until your swimming in more K+ then you can spend, only costs 18,000 rocket parts too craft too, so set up up to 100 of these in your favorite Eve hotspots.
  13. I think the craft is too big, that might be the issue combined with the fact that im the stakes are on a sloped surface, when i shortned the length of the craft it spawns as intended. Also I noticed that containers with enriched uranium spawn filled, im guessing thats firespitter.
  14. Right, but with what i said there is no need to ship it back, you mine it on Eve, you have orbital shipyards on Eve, you have logistics hub on Eve, your good to go, minus the shipping back part.
  15. The problem w. solar collectors is they are no where near your base. A base on eve producing few hundred drills & K+ tanks should be more than plenty fuel which you can logistic hub to Eve SOI, that seems more convenient.
  16. Does the positioning of the saved craft inside the VAB have affect on the produced vessel's placement? I'm getting vessels that are spawning 100m into the air. I have a survey station and 2 stakes and the output vessel spawns randomly all over, in the air and below ground, but never between the two stakes.
  17. Does anyone know the highest Karborondum crust values? I came across .0044% on Eve.
  18. Yes you can get all resources in 1 spot with decent values (2.5-3% each) minerals, karbonite, uranium, ore, & water. Just got to look for it.
  19. Taniwha i posted an issue on github and several pages back, im not sure if this was suppose to be fixed in 5.0 from reading the changes but this is still a problem for MKS + EL. - Filled containers cost the same as empty containers. Crafting a container costs 300 rocket parts, contents within the container: 9000 rocketparts, EL just magically created 8700 rocket parts for free.
  20. Constructing containers creates them full of resources, will this be fixed?
  21. Tweakscale is reverting the size back to original while keeping the stats scaled http://imgur.com/gIO4ExK any solution to this? The fuel tank in the middle of the picture is stock which i scaled to 5m, tweakscale decided to revert its graphics.
  22. Well yes, i should of mentioned that i knew this. But will it work for such distances? Does it cut off at 2.2 km which is the distance for objects to despawn from your point, also is there a way to make it so when hitting [ ] does not cycle through pylons?
  23. Can someone tell me how far the pipes for resource transfer will reach? Like can i have a 2km trail worth of pipes hauling resources?
  24. Freight Transport Technologies and or USI Exploration Pack has old Firespitter.
  25. Ya same here, working fine here w. the "quickfix" update. My mod list is pretty much all of this http://bobpalmer.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/
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