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Everything posted by protoz

  1. Whats wrong w. the current version of tac LS? why are people waiting for .9 release?
  2. I had scansat working with MKS/OKS with V9RC4, the hotfix update that was around prior to .9 ScanSat update. At least i think it was working the resource distribution on kerbin was very weird for all ORS resources, it was like copy paste of a bunch of tiny squares.
  3. V8.1 is making my scansat satellites explode into many pieces also the setting resource overlay is saying no resources found for ORS while MKS/OKS can see ORS resources. Getting same results upon clean reinstall.
  4. V9rc4 is the only one i installed and the big map locked up on that filter setting which i can't exit out of. Edit: Re-installing mod fixed it.
  5. I don't understand how to locate resources, i clicked on big map and its now stuck with a blank window of altimetery map of kerbin. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qysfjf54g8ky51u/4.png?dl=0
  6. After grabbing the last few karbonite updates all of the MKS modules no longer have any interactions in them besides light control and harvester module. Edit: fixed it by copying MKS folders over karbonite's folder install.
  7. My honest opinion would be no writing on parts. No start, no Do not press this button. The texture shading on the part isn't monotone, it looks like it got sanded down and is waiting for a paint-job. I think all exceptionally crafted parts need to have some kind of change in appearance when they are powered off/on. I can't tell from those picture, but are those copper coils in the center of the unit? Maybe have them change color as the unit is turned on and heats up.
  8. What is the goal of atmospheric / oceanic resources? Is it just alternative ways to obtain fuel other than karbonite?
  9. I wish I could make something like that, very nice.
  10. Where are the 0.0.7 parts? I can't find them. Edit: Had to research it in R&D, found it.
  11. The numeric display of fuel gain from karbonite conversion is not showing. Hitting esc to pause the game stops all the karbonite converter's actions.
  12. @roverdude i mentioned this earlier not sure if you saw The converters work at full speed regardless of karbonite storage or karbonite ppm, as long as the drill is active they convert.
  13. It appears the Karbonite converters operate at full speed regardless of how slow i harvest the resource. I got 2 drills and 2 converters, each drill powers a converter to full speed conversion.
  14. I can extract and i can see the trace amounts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jdu81l9xnubuqge/karbonite3.png I just can't see the hotspots or and neither can scansat map.
  15. I can't see Karbonite hotspots, unless theres none on Kerbin, also the bigmap in scansatt isn't showing anything. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9wjkfkryng7hgd8/no%20karbonite.png That should show ore hotspots on the big map as they are visible on your screen, all hotspots are visible on screen except karbonite and none of the hotspots are visible on scansat's map. Im using .242 KSP .04 karbonite Scansat w. karbonite support, I did clean installs on ORS and Karbonite folders when upgrade versions. Edit: It seems everything except karbonite is working on the big map, also i can't see karbonite's hotspots on anything. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r7p55r4dqrtyjew/no%20karbonite1.png Is there karbonite near the launchpad? Because it seems like my scansat is only scanning where i'm located, its not taken into the fact that i've had 40% of kerbin scanned in previous versions.
  16. When i select scansat ORS overlay the big map doesn't show anything even though i can see some hotspots from the VAB launchpad.
  17. It appears existing dishes don't have the option to show Karbonite hotspots, while new dishes created after installing the mod display it. Now im trying to figure out if thats intended or bug.
  18. I have a dish landed at Minmus, i don't see any Karbonite hotspot option, am i suppose to have one? I have the mod parts.
  19. Obtaining funds is not difficult. Send a probe to Kerbin's orbit to transmit Kerbin's temperature science for 50k contract ~ 10 seconds to complete, spammable. Send a probe to Mun's orbit to transmit Mun's temperature science for 90k contract ~ 10 seconds to complete, spammable. Send a probe to Duna's orbit to transmit Duna's temperature science for 220k contract ~ 10 seconds to complete, spammable. You get the idea... As soon as you complete the contract visit the contract building and pick it up again, return to your ship via tracking station, and do it again until your happy w. your funds. You can reach your fund cap in matter of minutes and minimal effort, the further the planet the more rewarding the contract. So spare me on the "im experienced and i know how to obtain $".
  20. ~15 million, i kept kept repeating send science data from the mun for 80k~ every 10 seconds. Would probably be 999 million if i flew a ship to a further planet to do the same.
  21. No matter how you spin it, if thats normal, then thats a pretty backwards reward system for reputation. If my reputation is already maxed without leaving Kerbin's gravity, then this needs to be re-designed.
  22. I believe my first few launches in career mode yielded around +25 reputation, now when i do a 3,000 round science trip from distance planets I receive less than one reputation, my total is at around 850, is this normal?
  23. Science is abundant as is, theres enough science out there to fill out 12 R&D trees, this would not be something anyone likes.
  24. Using space stations for fuel purposes is impractical right now and in the future updates. First, you don't need to refuel as you can create a stock ship that can visit all of the Kerbal solar system without refueling. And second, when the mining parts patch comes along, space stations are not gonna be generating fuel, so your better off just mining and filling up on a planet you ran out of fuel on. I think some form of resource generation from space stations seems appropriate. Science generation would make sense while fuel and Kerbal bucks doesn't. But then again, nothing is clear yet with what the game devs plan to do with R&D tree as you can fill out with just a few launches and then still have an insane abundance of science leftover to fill the R&D tree dozen of times over. As long as they make science a highly demanded resource and numerous ways to spend it beyond the current R&D tree, then science generation in space stations will be plenty enough. I think the modules that should create or classify a ship into a space station should weight 50-200 tons a piece, its not something thats not very mobile and getting it to orbit will be a challenge or moving it outside of Kerbin.
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