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Posts posted by briansun1

  1. KSK. I don't know to if I should hate you or love you right now. On the one hand you killed Ornie, but on the other you made me care enough about him that his death meant something. So I guess all I can say is thank you. Thank you for writing this story for us.


    totally not tearing up right now.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

    Good! Make sure that your SM reads it over before you submit it. It felt like useless work to me, but it really helped give me a sense of accomplishment, becuase it talked about all the work that had gone into the poject. Don't leave anything out. :)

    Ya. About 140 man hours all told. I'm also in Venture crew now so Advisory instead of SM, but kind of the same thing.


  3. 10 minutes ago, Alphasus said:

    If he says he needs an i7, I assume he needs hyperthreading because it is the ONLY difference between an i5 and i7. He doesn't need a CPU upgrade without hyperthreading because that is negligible. He also mentioned needing an i7 for stuff other than gaming, where the Xeon hyperthreads will help. It would be great to know what else he does though; if he renders than that money saved is well spent on a new GPU.

    It would help if we knew what these other things were.


    Also on the topic of upgrades. I have an i5- 3570K LGA  1155 and I'm wondering if I should just dump it and grab skylake/whatever it is that comes after, or grab an i7-3770K, or just overclock it a bit.

  4. 13 hours ago, Matuchkin said:

    Hey, you play wargame?! *high fives*

    Anyway, in that case, you should know basic military strategy. A huge part of the game is based on real life (even the units of each nation are accurately simulated and historically accurate), so you should know things to avoid or do, like counter-battery fire, SEAD, slope warfare, manoeuvre warfare, etc. In fact, the game is named after the military doctrine that the A-10 Thunderbolt is built around- the doctrine that I am currently trying to base my weapons around. Also, don't spam units. You need to have a good variety of units for all purposes. Spread them out across an area, cover your front with napalm, and take up a defensive position in a tree-line, with the area in front of you acting as a killzone.

    I do agree, the best doctrines are Soviet and German. The reason for that is their extensive use of reactive armour, and the thickness of the front armour of most of the Ts and Panzers. The T-90, for example, is one of the most protected tanks in the world (though it has a weak spot near its ammunition storage- not a good place to have a weak spot). The Soviet Union and Germany both have very similar doctrines right now. Britain, in fact, is currently catching up.

    Nice to see someone as interested in military strategies as me. Keep it up. :)

    By the way, the above video is a horrible, absolutely frighteningly stupid strategy. Rocket artillery will kill nearly no one, and is only meant for terror purposes. Also, numeric superiority does not matter in any conflict, and Soviet Russia learned that the hard way, too. Wait, do you even play wargame? Hold on...

    Also MBTs that go 60+kmh.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Elthy said:

    Most of that looks good, but the power supply is extremly oversized. 450W are plenty (lots of room for OC or an upgade) for this setup. Also why only 1 ram thing? This halfes your memory bandwidth...

    1 stick was cheaper and it allows him to easily be able to add another 8gb and go dual channel at 16 gb. The PSU I chose because it is actually cheaper than the 450W and the same price as the 550W.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Pratherdude said:

    Sorry forgot to add that, No I don't need Windows or peripherals. I will need to get a new monitor eventually but not right now, If you can recommend a good 27" or 32" monitor, does not have to be top of the line just a good all around monitor.


    I was leaning more towards AMD and Nvidia for CPU and Video but honestly I haven't had to buy or upgrade parts in 5 or 6 years so I don't really know anymore.

    With the budget you have your should go Intel.

    Here's a list I put together. It is closer to $100 than $750.

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($233.99 @ SuperBiiz) 
    CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler  ($28.98 @ OutletPC) 
    Motherboard: MSI Z170A GAMING M5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard  ($159.99 @ Micro Center) 
    Memory: G.Skill Aegis 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory  ($27.99 @ Newegg) 
    Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($84.88 @ OutletPC) 
    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($47.99 @ Micro Center) 
    Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 4GB Video Card  ($213.98 @ Newegg) 
    Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 USB3.0 ATX Mid Tower Case  ($58.49 @ Amazon) 
    Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz) 
    Total: $926.28
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-04-27 13:16 EDT-0400

  7. 13 hours ago, Pratherdude said:

    So I am looking to replace my G72 laptop with a desktop since it is finally starting to cap out, I mostly play KSP at the moment but also love FPS and RPG, and looking to try Star Citizen. What would you recommend looking to spend about $750, $1000 max and that is pushing it. Would love to be able to over clock it for more power.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help.

    Does it need windows? Also do you need peripherals? ie mouse, keyboard, monitor etc. 

  8. 23 hours ago, Elthy said:

    The 980ti is better than the Fury-X, but both are propably overkill for most people. Also the new generation is coming close (release propably in june), so it slowly gets risky to invest that much money into a GPU if its not urgent...

    Agreed. I would try and wait a few months to see what new cards come out. Also if I remember correctly Space Engineers is more CPU than GPU. So, 980ti and Fury-X would be overkill.

  9. 15 hours ago, Aristarchus said:

    Hi all,

    I am looking to build my own computer for the first time and was hoping to get some suggestions/feedback. I am looking for good all around performance; this will be my primary KSP computer but I mainly plan to use it for work (running simulations OpenFoam, my own code, etc.). I don't plan on overclocking and would rather it be as quiet as possible as sometimes I leave code running while I sleep or do something else.

    Here is what I have so far.

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($204.99 @ Newegg)
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard  ($87.98 @ Newegg)
    Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory  ($64.99 @ Newegg)
    Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($149.99 @ Amazon)
    Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Superclocked Video Card  ($99.99 @ Newegg)
    Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case  ($60.98 @ Newegg)
    Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($27.98 @ Newegg)
    Total: $683.90
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-04-07 18:07 EDT-0400

    I would like to keep my total under $700, but have some leeway if it means a significant performance or reliability increase.



    I would drop the 16gb of ram down to 8 and grab a newer GPU. The one you picked will soon be 2 generations old.

  10. 11 hours ago, Deddly said:

    @Alphasus I dunno tough. The IdeaPad line is so...to coin a word, consumery. I want my machines to last for years and years, with spill-proof keyboards, great typing experience and magnesium/carbon cases that can withstand someone accidentally sitting on them. Oh, and once you've gotten used to the trackpoint there really is no going back.

    I can not get used to the trackpoint. it's just so fiddly. I also wish that they was stop changing  the fn and ctrl keys.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Camacha said:

    While I do agree that headphones often are better value for money than a headset, having a separate microphone can be bothersome. Clipping the thing on every time can get annoying after a while. If you are okay with it, though, why not?

    A desk mic is always an option.

  12. 1 hour ago, Alphasus said:


    OK then. Your build, your monitor. But, I will say that many people swear by 60Hz IPS over 144Hz TN at the forums of toms hardware.Tom's Hardware on your issue.

    They pretty much say it is your choice, and that you wouldn't recognize the 144Hz.

    I myself am firmly in the 60hz IPS camp. I don't see the difference between 1ms response time and 4ms. I rather have the better colors. But ya it is your money. All we can do is make suggestions.

    I don't think Hz is changeable unless the monitor specifically allows it.

  13. 3 minutes ago, KocLobster said:


    I certainly hope I didnt offend you earlier with my post..? You've given me some new things to think about. I'd like to avoid overkill status; I'd definitely prefer not to do SLI/crossfire. It'll be too expensive and unnecessary, i have zero experience running two or more GPUs, and more potential issues could arrise. I think I'd like to stick with the 4 core Skylake for now as well, I can't afford to upgrade it this time around and keep the same GPU. I really feel that this selection of CPU & GPU is the way to go for me. Don't you?

    As for the ongoing debate between AMD vs. Nvidia, I'm still quite firmly on the green team as far as preference goes. In my opinion, I wouldn't be saving enough money switching to a similarly performing AMD GPU as the 980; the small savings wouldn't be enough to justify switching, and I'd still prefer Nvidia. If it was a huge amount of savings, I'd be more inclined to pull the trigger on a similar card on the red team.

    You say Newegg charges an extra $75 for 980Ti's, was that a typo and you meant 980's? Because I won't be splurging on a Ti; I've already got an overpowered card. As for the monitor I've picked, you think I can find it much cheaper on Amazon? Am I understanding you correctly?


    What exactly is this Nvidia anti-gamer/anti-consumer thing? I've picked a 144Hz monitor because it's really not that much more expensive than the previous monitor I picked. Most importantly, many games I see myself having FPS that high, and to avoid screen tearing w/o reducing my FPS, I need a higher screen refresh rate. This is my understanding at least, and that 1080p & 144Hz is definitely the way to go. Do you disagree or something?

    I was just a bit curious on the 144hz thing. Don't necessarily disagree. Just thought that maybe you should also look at some 60hz ones like the UltraSharp I posted.

    As for the Nvidia thing. The most recent example was them lying about and then attempting to cover up the fact that the 970 really only has 3.5 gb of Ram  and not the 4 that there were and still are advertising. Then there's also Nvidia gameworks. Which is a group of graphical tools designed to be a one size fits all kind of thing. It has been implemented well in the past some times, but a lot of the time it fails spectacularly casing a bunch of issues. Sometimes for everything except Nvidia cards and sometimes for all GPU's. There are tons of examples out there that probably explain things better than me.*

    *Note: I am biased against Nvidia, but tried to be as neutral as possible. It's also why I almost always only recommend AMD cards.

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