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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. banned for not letting me do homework
  2. 9/10 ????????????????????? circle of life
  3. I would say ether gpu or cpu most likely cpu oh and I would wait until the new amd gpus come out before I buy one (prices should go down)
  4. but starcraft is a rip off of 40k or atlest they copied alot of the models
  5. true the user below me want to be a brony/pony hybrid
  6. Granted instead you sing that song I guess that might be my fault... I wish for ribbons
  7. first time I landed on the mun I broke off the winglet landing legs first time in .21 I forgot to put a decoupler on the command capsule
  8. granted to works to well and takes you to the edge of the map with a solar system and a planet called earth in it I wish
  9. granted but the granting thing can not compute "whit" I wish for 42
  10. granted but I go with you (we don't even have a real government right now) I still wish for the same thing
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