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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. So all 3 of my designs are utter faillers . Both of the ones that used ions fail to get to orbit and the slipstream drive one fail to get off the run way...
  2. usually the only people that vote are the ones that build
  3. then go make a new thread about it instead of spaming this one
  4. I think I will be going with something a bit different. A RAPIER + ion hybrid design
  5. take a i5 3.5ghz CPU from 6 years ago and compare it to a i5 3.5 ghz CPU from last year I will bet that the one last year will out preform the on 6 years ago
  6. because CPU speed and GPU memory do not dictate how well something will run.
  7. no the new consoles would struggle to run it due to the weak CPU. And you can build a PC for the same amount of money that the ps4/xbox costs and have it perform better or cheaper and still be on par.
  8. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/057/2/9/cuteness_by_dueswals-d782t9l.png
  9. I'm not a fan ether(though I will use it once in a blue moon) but I know I can just change it back to win7+ some extra bits and stuff (like the new screenshot key thing)
  10. and maybe a 1 tb hdd as they have a better $ to space ratio and probably a 500w power supply
  11. http://www.ghostofaflea.com/archives/MedievalII.jpg
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