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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. eeyup. the user below me is a long time user
  2. eeyup the user below me will stay here for a longer time
  3. http://ayay.co.uk/arts/optical_illusion/scott_kim/true-false.jpg the user below me has been here for a long time
  4. http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20131114/video%20games%20warhammer%20tau%20posters%20space%20marine%20screens_wallpaperswa.com_82.jpg
  5. ...I'm an idiot I thought you said 8850 or something similar... any way amd came out with a new gen. (R9 270)
  6. have the center of mass infront of the center of lift slightly
  7. false NO MOD POST TRAIN the user below me will continue this
  8. False the user below me is a noob
  9. false the user below me is has been here for a long time
  10. At no name in my blog there a ship calle modular armor I think that what your talking about
  11. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/175/7/6/pinkie_pie_takes_flight__by_input_command-d6aiylp.png
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