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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. So, I recently I bought a logitech 3d pro joystick and I have 2 questions. First do any of you know of a good flight simulator? And right know the stick tend to want to center slighy up on the y axis. do I just need to set the deadzone slightly larger?
  2. The PR-GX5 is a prototype command rover. Averaging around 20m/s and weighing 10 tons and having 90 parts she is not meant for combat instead she fills out a support role by providing radar and tracking coverage. She is armed with a single vulcan turret and a missile pod. craft link /end rp Handling is pretty poor and I don't know how much of a use you will get out of it since it uses the new BD amory tracking stuff. Company is H.L. 2.0
  3. If I remember correctly aren't i7's basicly gimped Xeons? @OP how much money do you have?
  4. Ever thought about one of the Lenovo T4XX? Those are supposed to have pretty long battery lifes and are about the same price as the Dell.
  5. Depends on the game your playing, but probably. Gsync is way to expensive right now and if you ever use a AMD card then it's useless.
  6. I wouldn't get a pentium even overclocked it won't be that good.
  7. The movie does say that it was caused by the protein cubes liquefying and sloshing around. It's the part where the Director and Kapoor are being interviewed by the news guy about the probe. I also kind of doubt that spacecraft have a self destruct button. It's just extra weight that you have to take up to space.
  8. The GPU thing is a pretty accurate assumption. Do think about the SSD while having games on it will give slightly better load time I can't really tell the difference. I would hold off on the extra fans. On the higher priced cases the 2 or 3 that they come with are really enough and the extra slots are just marketing.
  9. The Corsair one will in general run cooler but louder while the Fractal Design one will run softer but hotter. I'd take the Corsair since the noise levels won't be much anyway. SSDs are still rather expensive right now so I wouldn't recommend a 1tb one for your budget I'd get something like 250 or 500gb. Here's one I put together. It has a better motherboard, slightly better RAM, A better GPU, a good PSU(yes it's 750W but it's cheaper than the 550W), and a smaller but faster SSD.
  10. The case you choose won't be very easy to do cable management in since the area behind the motherboard looks rather small. Looking at the Monitors in person is a good idea. The PSU is not somewhere you want to skimp money on. Because if that goes everything else does too. That picture is also a bit wonky. Do you really need a one TB ssd? What are you using the computer for?
  11. The MSI is cheaper and it's a company I like and trust. - - - Updated - - - I would get a better PSU one from Corsair, Seasonic, or EVGA. I'd also get a nicer case. Maybe something like a NZXT 630. Don't know about the monitor, but I've never heard of QNIX.
  12. It's what I've already got. - - - Updated - - - Was actually surprised by how expensive they were now. Maybe I should sell it or something.
  13. I'm looking at doing some upgrades to my computer. Here's the PCpartpicker link It will be used mostly for gaming and trying to spend as little as possible. I have a XFX 7870 and Am looking at getting a MSI 390.(Important)(at most $400) I'm looking to add another 8gb of RAM to bring the count up to 16gb.(not very important) And my PSU right now is a 500W and I'm looking to go up to a 600-700W.(if needed) I'm also looking at a newer IPS monitor to replace my old TN one. (important)(24 inch 1920x1080 / 1920x1200) (about $200)
  14. I agree with both RIC and Elthy. I would strongly recommend an i5. I would skip the hybriad drive as those are more for people without an SSD. Instead I would just grab an HDD with a large cach size like this one . Everything else looks good.
  15. So, what would you guys consider reputable PSU companies? Also looking for a 24' 16:10 monitor.
  16. And now I want you to rip off the entire top portion.
  17. Would it be possible for you to release the missile test stand thing used in the video?
  18. I don't like them, but then again I like the clicky sound they make.
  19. Got a Ducky Shine 4 over the summer and it really is true what they say about Mechanicals vs membranes.
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