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Everything posted by briansun1

  2. you like cats... and fluttershy(where did RD come from?)
  3. mainsails how dose one blow up a planet
  4. 10/10 you're that guy that thinks in french...(not really everyone is overthinking it)
  5. false hyperedite FTW the user below me want to go see enders game
  6. I would push it because 5% seems a bit on the low side so yea why not you will save the world for the apocalypse but your blamed for starting it and never get the credit for fixing it.
  7. you like ponies... and octavia the pony that plays a cello like a bass...
  8. Basically the user above you will post [insert good result] but [insert some downside] and you must reply if you would push the button that make it happen and explain why or why not. (if you need insperation for what to ask go here) example: Post 1: You can go to equestria but it is the fandom equestria. Post 2: I would push the button because [insert reason if you want] I'll start You can go to equestria but it is the fandom equestria
  9. the old space tower will be missed.... also the "abraham lincoln" quote is very very true
  10. bob (I know... was just trying to explain it...)
  11. mine is just my name + a 1... but it is usually Slorch which is a parody on skorch82 which was one of the first people that got me onto lets plays... and well it was in one of the comment on one of his videos I liked that name so it stuck around... I use it everywhere where the username is different than the "screen" name.
  12. Derpy hooves also know as Ditzy (best pony)
  13. briansun1


    nope it's __ ____ pen or __-___ pen or _________
  14. seems cool will be trying this out
  15. briansun1


    no but you are very close
  16. 10/10 your that guy that keeps trying to solve my riddles...(your very close too one of 2 answers)
  17. briansun1


    yes, it is a pretty big thing...(it's 3/2 word depending on if you use a - or not) there is also another answer to this riddle....
  18. briansun1


    nope.... think broader
  19. briansun1


    no it is a pen of some kind
  20. true.... the user below me know the anwser to my riddle
  21. briansun1


    nope the closest is the pen/pencil/crayon post(s)
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