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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. KILL IT WITH FIRE (a pony pic would work great here...but...)
  2. 5/10 I don't get it (also updated the OP) and @mousse yes I moved some things around
  3. ksp phyisics How dose one get a IRC chat channel
  4. true the user below me has there pic on the "face behind the poster" thread (and is on the IRC)
  5. but it's not so bottomless after all I though that dead guy I'm standing on to stop our fall
  6. true the user below me will use the IRC
  7. false(hint hint it will never exist...) the user below me knows how to become a mod (hint by not asking)
  8. of course... the user below me gose to a school
  9. funny thing we had to read that book...
  10. true the user below me will join the IRC
  11. 10/10 glados quote... even though i've never played it...
  12. 571 - you see [insert picture here] (can we use pictures?)
  13. I stap the side with my staff swoard and stop my self. then I ponder life
  14. The rocket continues it's path to the Heavens. Jeb then says....
  15. A space plane and a space fighter. With my tri ion engine grouping.... and
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