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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. granted it's a baby kracken I wish for a new Google picture war but with stricter rules
  2. call the grey knights My hill
  3. I take your laser toy gun and smash it in my fist I call in an exermentis because this elevator is HERASY
  4. you continue adding boosters but then jeb screams FEED ME do you A. keep adding MOAR BOOSTER B. Feed Jeb
  5. 10/10 your the guy the made the new elevator thread
  6. THere's no power I try and pry the door open with with my sword staff thing
  7. You disarm the bomb do you A. feed jeb B. add MOAR BOOSTERS c. launch it
  8. but pi is the answer to life therefor PARADOX I jump up and down really quicky trying to smash the floor open (@ op try [SIZE=6][COLOR="#FF0000"][U][I][B][COLOR="#FF0000"] NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS...OR DERAILMENTS...OR GOING IN CRICLES[/COLOR][/B][/I][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] for the disclamer)
  9. inspect the strangely clicking booster
  10. An Srb rocket with Jeb straped to it.
  11. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/028/b/4/i_am_super_lazy_today_by_sketchyjackie-d5t38po.png
  12. the tim thing in haswell isn't really the problem anymore.... it's really only on Ivy bridge
  13. granted but you go to it and then nothing for the rest of time (I never knew there were so may mod in this section...) I wish for MOAR BOOSTERS
  14. granted it's stuck in your eye I wish for nothing
  15. false what mods where?... There are no mods in Ba Sing Se the user below me is a mod
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