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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. Remeber to post lots of Pics of ponies with your AAR's becuase everyone on the forums loves ponies
  2. After the 5th click the speakers blare "congrates you win NOTHING" while a trap door opens up under stanley
  3. 8/10 large company banner... don't hate but don't really like... (that was you wasn't it...)
  4. banned for not knowing I am really not in any company...(want me to join...)
  5. 8/10 ridions there too over used.. but that quote... and no thing on derailing every thread...
  6. by calling the CPS office how dose one get the word out about the IRC chat channel?
  7. by working how dose one tell that guy that he is wrong about ponies not being able to solve anything?
  8. false not at Ksp but that forum dude that thinks that ponies can't beat anything... the user below me knows who I'm talking about
  9. false the user below me want me to make that google pic war thread
  10. what?... (so dose that mean I should make one?) the user below me will explain
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