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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. nope not really the program can get the full 4gb becuase he has more than 4 and is running 64-bit so the computer is run on the other 12gb that's left
  2. rar............................................................................................
  3. true the user below me is not one of the main posters
  4. briansun1


    nope nope nope nope it is usually small enough to fit in your hand
  5. you know rule 1 does not have to be in big giant red letters right?
  6. briansun1


    nope (key word there was "not"
  7. 10/10 fluttershy's yay face... what's not to like and ninjaed...
  8. Ion space plane... yay death spiral... (clickable pics FTW)
  9. briansun1


    no it is not a mat/ thing you step on
  10. ...depends on your definition... but true... I guess... the user below me has no idea what my riddle means
  11. nationstates (it's a word made up by Dice for BF4)
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