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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. false the user below me will ignore this and continue on with the GREAT MOD POST TRAIN
  2. a granted I drop a bunch of hex containers on you I wish for time travel I love the smell of ninjas in the morning... NOT
  3. false (what have I done...) the user below me will continue the mod post train
  4. oh, no that's not what I ment i meant that you were useing it...
  5. banned for useing an unfair banned only avalible to mod and braking revers rule 2.2
  6. You call to jeb and the 2 of you run away screaming
  7. true the user below me is going to start another mod post train
  8. I walk onto the hil becuase th last guy didn't clam it my hill
  9. you then look to your right and see jeb with...
  10. banned for mentioning THAT WHICH SHALL NOT BE NAMED
  11. banned for a 42 yea that works...
  12. Sees a giant multi milion part craft with jeb in the pilot seat and ninjaed again....
  13. I use Msi afterburnner for capture, audacity for voice over and vages pro.. (the a free one...)
  14. granted it's that smelly old text book in the back of the room that no one has touched in ages I wish for 42
  15. but the kracken has already caought up to you...(wait am I even doing this right?) DAMN NINJAS...
  16. banned for um not knowing this is a game and that your freaking use out with all your posts....
  17. granted...it's due now... I wish I didn't have to resort to "..." everytime I'm to lazy to form a compleat sentance...
  18. banned for suddne influx of mod posts
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