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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. False The user below me will explain how and why Lyra is obsessed with humans
  2. false the user below me thinks that the whole 1/2 brony thing is a lie...
  3. I send in a ork mob my hill
  4. banned for not knowing that that is a rule over on the nation states forums...(something about server size or something)
  5. so I coruptted my presistance file... so I though no big deal I just make a new one and copy the ships over... well aparntly you can't copy over suff that you already deleted...
  6. banned for a mod not closing the thread due to it reaching 500 pages
  7. hey, the 4th wall is anarchist
  8. false it's blocked the user below me gets the scootaloo chicken joke
  9. true and true I know a little french and I my teacher is french (should be ether "knows a little french" or "knows a french person") the user below me is a thing
  10. Yes I do but you can't plant a flag did you know that while reading this you are not really getting any "new" information
  11. yea, they are speak some kind of wired birtish/french english also true the user below me has watched "a little kids show"
  12. I don't know what "thing" your talking about but I find them quite good.
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