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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. But Msi afterburner is free... and IMHO dose a better job then Fraps while useing less resorces...(they both do about the samething video and picture wise)
  2. or becuase the TAU love helping the flash light IG
  3. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
  4. it's derpy...nuf said (best pony)
  5. ...so where did all these "tiers" get decided on?... I wounder how long it take for them to notice this... and how long I need to wait untill I get a replie to my question...
  6. wow you pushing out these updates quite quickly
  7. in the op it says that it goes up and down when it reaches floor 0 and 300
  8. so with the bomber varient of the LSI I was trying to make fighter worth taking... Thoughts?
  9. 10/10 um sorry fluttershy i'll leave *jumps out the window*
  10. false the user below me has flyed a nyan cat ion plane across all of kerbin
  11. Becuase no one expects the spanish inquisition NO ONE... my hill
  12. in my last post on page 284 the user below me thinks that nyan cat song is not annoying and has flyed an ION plane across Kerbin...
  13. flew the ISP around the world...not fun...(ion space plane)
  14. I drop a TZES on you my hill
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