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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello there! As mentioned in the original post AVP supports OPM. After installing latest scatterer Tekto is purple , Sarnus and other gas giants use Jool texturing. As suggested in other forum topics it is recommended to downgrade scatterer to an Older version (Which version to be precise?). But downgrading to an older version breaks scatterer in other planet pack as they do not support older scatterer ( for example Grannus expansion pack or Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack). Not to mention all visual bugs that come from older scatterer compability with 1.12.x KSP, Parralax and etc. Is there a solution to have the best of both worlds? ( Pood's OPM-VO doesnt help)
  2. Fixed link to screenshot , should be good Same issue here
  3. Broken UI yet again... is there any Fix? Here's screenshot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DJng0qDpYqfBSDSjndbca02lsKwjY0Np/view?usp=drivesdk Only works if you Launch a vessel with a Pad from VAB/SPH , then all UI's work in the game. Is there an option to choose that oldschool look of UI ( Grey'ish color) ? Can't seem to find...
  4. Hi everyone, I have this problem with resources.. Extraplanetary launchpads is using Metal Ore, Metal and RocketParts as consumables for building stuff . Planetary base systems is compatible with EL and USI/MKS. In many wiki's found that EL production line should transition from using MetalOre, Rocketparts etc. to using MetarialKits and Specialized parts. But it does not . Same thing with MKS... not using MaterialKits and SpecializedParts , for building on launchpad. Maybe I am doing something wrong? Tried surfing every wiki, but cant find a solution...
  5. Hi everyone, I have this problem with resources.. Extraplanetary launchpads is using Metal Ore,Metal and RocketParts as consumables for building stuff . And I know that with MKS installed it should transition to using Material kits and SP... But it does not . Same thing with Planetary base systems parts... not using MaterialKits and SpecializedParts....Maybe I am doing something wrong? Tried surfing every wiki, but cant find a solution... in the most popular MKS guide there is a screenshot of EL using there resources. Also I found some patches that should work \GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\MKS\Patches\PatchManager but in my game they do not , like deleting EL parts (Some thing with Firespitter parts, but I dont know if this is related)
  6. Couple months ago I played KSP with a Kethane Mod installed . It has KE–J65 Zero Bypass Turbine jet engine , and it was almost perfect for landing and taking for from Eve... But now after so much changes in the game ( talking about mining and aerodynamical model ) , I dont think that Kethane mod is not needed any more . Still I would like to have some sort of jet engine , with the same efficiency of normal jet engine that works in Kerbin atmosphere. I dont really now what propelant this engine shoud use... Maybe I think it would be great if there was a mod that add to Eve's atmosphere some kind of resourse ( methane intakeair for example) , and that jet engine uses it with in cojunction with oxidizer for example to produce thrust. If there is a similar mod existing i would be really happy test it out.
  7. Flying a plane on Layhte ...no fuel left in the tanks....500m above ground : "Pull Up , Pull Up , Pull Up" with a voice of Google translator
  8. I have the same problem... 57 flights and none of the kerbals showing up..... Maybe you need to edit savefile somehow ?
  9. I have this major problem... Every time I restart my game all my kethane maps restart too. They just clear and I need to go to detection cycle again....I've already done this detection 3 times and every time places of kethane change . What I need to do to fix this??
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