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Mr Shifty

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Everything posted by Mr Shifty

  1. If you can imagine the X33 and a photon rasterizing your 1920x1080 monitor, the photon would complete an entire screen refresh while the X33 was about 1% done with just the first line.
  2. Where did you hear about this? This is fantastic.
  3. Well, in actual metabolism, a bunch of the mass we eat (a kg or more per day) is actually exhaled, not excreted. We could suppose that the Mulch includes captured CO2 and water vapor from the air, though.
  4. A generic nearly-40 white guy. Very occasionally, there's a photo of me that actually looks like what I look like in my head.
  5. There was a time before Kerbin Time was an option (prior to KSP 0.23.5), but RoverDude wasn't the force of nature he is now back then. Certainly USI-LS didn't show up until about a year ago.
  6. Yes. That is exactly what I want for the progression part of the game. Open up more sandboxy goals for the end game.
  7. Life support (with kerbal death), a per-launch budget based on rep, and (major) reputation loss for kerbals dying would add in the time constraint organically. I like the idea of KCT, but don't like playing with it; simulation feels like a kludge, both in implementation and in concept. Time really only matters though, when kerbal lives are on the line, and distance and travel times provide their own constraints, so ignore time for construction and research. Biome trolling was the worst idea ever; they're not actually distinguishable visually, so you have to guess where they are or use a mod. It's just dumb. There are currently contract packs for visiting the anomalies and for visiting the highest points on each planet. Those are fantastic. Use that kind of thing for science results instead of biome hunting. Give me something of interest to go see and do. Strategies are terrible in the stock game, as is apparent to anyone breathing. Strategia is a great first step, but it's not very balanced, and doesn't integrate very well with the stock contracts. (I currently have 3 separate contracts for putting a flag on the Mun in one of my games.) But the idea of using the Administration Building to choose among an array of possible long-term goals, with bonuses for achievements toward those goals, and progressively unlockable contracts along that path is awesome. This would enable some really cool end-game scenarios. Ability unlocks: currently you can unlock abilities through facility upgrades and kerbalnaut experience. BTSM did a great job showing how that system works best integrated into the tech tree. In BTSM, you could unlock pressurized capsules and EVA suits. More of that please. It's nice to get a few new parts; better to get new abilities.
  8. A year or so ago, in the BTSM thread, we came up with the idea of having a per launch budget, based on your reputation. You'd get a set amount of funds that you could spend on a single launch. It never went anywhere, but I still think it'd be a good way to address some career mode weaknesses. I really like the long-term objective based gameplay suggested by this thread. I hate biome trolling, and would really love to be able to unlock tech and parts by completing missions, rather than by shuffling science reports around and doing random EVAs.
  9. You can fork the github repo and edit the OPM planets into the celestialbodies.coffee file. I can try to do this this afternoon and post a link if you like.
  10. And it seems that, like BTSM, the early game here is all EC management. A Hohmann transfer to the Mun is about 7.5 hours one way (though it's relatively cheap to make this significantly quicker.) 7.5 hours at 0.01 EC/kerbal/sec consumption for supply use is 270 EC for one kerbal and doesn't include time to do stuff at the Mun or the return trip. To send multiple kerbals means packing tons of batteries, at least until you've unlocked solar panels. (Engine generators mitigate the problem somewhat as well.) I could also just not supply them and they won't consume EC, but that seems like cheating. I really like this actually. These are the kind of constraints that create emergent gameplay situations which require creative problem solving and/or make great narratives. I think I'm gonna reduce the no supply grace period to 3 kerbal days. I may create a MM config that adds supplies to stock command modules too, to force supply (and thus EC) consumption. (And it makes sense thematically that the command modules would be supplied, at least for a few days.)
  11. Very obvious against the disc of the sun. It was pretty overcast today here, so I thought we might miss it, but there were occasional holes in the cloud cover that gave us a look. It's surprisingly breathtaking to see little Mercury hurtling across the face of that fiery orb; you really do get a small glimpse of the scale involved.
  12. How interesting that they've buried your thread here: a PR trick, like releasing negative political news on Friday afternoon. Fear of daylight?
  13. It's happened to all of us. Many many many many times:)
  14. Do you have electrical power available on your vessel?
  15. OK, I set the NoSupply and EVA effects to 5 (KIA) because that makes thematic sense; they starve/run out of air/cooling/whatever. I set Home to 2 (mutinous) because they go crazy. (I didn't realize that hab/home were the same effect.) I've got OPM installed, so it's going to be interesting figuring out how to make that work, but it really does make sense that Kerbals don't want to live in space for their whole lives. Challenge!
  16. But say, for instance, send a crew on a five year mission to Eeloo, but only have enough hab for 2 years on my main vessel. And I have a dockable command pod with a couple of RCS thrusters that I detach from the main vessel, transfer a couple Kerbals over to, then back to the main vessel. Then reattach the pod. Wouldn't that reset hab, allowing me to make the total journey just by doing that a couple of times? Currenly in the config, homesickness has no effect. I'd have to make homesickness have a consequence to eliminate exploits like that. It also looks like if I leave a kerbal EVAed for more than 6 hours, she'll get grouchy. How do I rescue her at that point? Is grouchiness for EVA, hab, homesickness, and hunger tracked separately? I suppose I could just fire up the program, load a sandbox, and test this stuff out.
  17. BUG: The difficulty buttons in the UI selector have no effect. I just edited the values I wanted into the config file in my save directory, but clicking the Easy, Normal, etc buttons on the UI didn't change the ignored planets.
  18. I thought you could reset hab by switching vessels. Just bring a workout vessel that you can detach from your main vessel for some spinning treadmill action. Transfer Kerbals across to it to reset their hab timers, then back to the main vessel. Homesickness won't reset, but it has no effect by default.
  19. This video is the classic description of how to land low-TWR vessels safely and efficiently. You have to use a constant altitude descent.
  20. RoverDude's USI suite has a set of logistical transfers that allow you to move things around while not connected, just by using proximity.
  21. Very cool. I attempted flying these missions a couple of years ago using Bobcat's old community ISS pack. I'll be following what you're doing here with interest.
  22. Ooooh. My favorite batch of contracts. <rubs hands with glee>. Seriously, thanks for taking all this time to work on these mods. You are a mod rock star.
  23. This sounds like a great idea! I'll be picking it up posthaste.
  24. Your equations look good from what I can remember. I made this chart 3 years ago, derived the results by hand so could have easily made errors. Our results aren't that different though.
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