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Everything posted by MachXXV

  1. This mod appears to crash instantly now in .90, but I'm not surprised considering the new editor system. From what I've seen so far in .90, the editor changes are fantastic, and I'm thinking this mod is probably obsolete. I haven't had a chance to poke around the new game files, but the API is probably completely changed. I'll see if there's still use in tweaking some things like expanded symmetry modes and VAB/SPH toggling.
  2. Main post updated with 1.4. For those that downloaded Padishar's patch, no need to re-download, they should be the same.
  3. Thanks for this, I was so swamped at work I totally missed the 0.25 release. I'll get the main post and repo updated tomorrow.
  4. Thanks, I upgraded Xamarin and it bumped up the build target to 4.0 and I hadn't noticed. Package has been updated.
  5. sounds good, once you have it ready I'll merge it into the trunk
  6. Thanks! merged and repackaged, top post is updated.
  7. I'll get it on Curse, in the meantime I updated the main post with the download right from Github: https://github.com/MachXXV/EditorExtensions/blob/master/Releases/EditorExtensions_v1.1.zip?raw=true
  8. I'm back from my AWOLness - and thanks for saving me some work - I'll get this merged today. I also posted a link to the github repo on the main post.
  9. Thanks for the heads up. I'm seeing a handled divide by zero error in windows under the same circumstances - I should have some time this weekend to track it down and hopefully fix it.
  10. Thanks, I haven't been able to do any proper testing yet, I will in the next couple days and update the post. Let me know if you run into any weirdness and I'll look into it.
  11. So far I haven't seen anything that required an update, so the current version should work as-is.
  12. The technique that was used in the original didn't work after the .21 changes. I hadn't really looked into finding a new way to do it - Once .22 comes out I was going to play around with the plugin again to see what I can add, I'll see what I can do.
  13. the old one was getting the command line args with System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() (standard CLI stuff) then calling (in the KSP libraries) PartLoader.goToSceneAfterLoad = GameScenes.FLIGHT (or .SPH etc) I never tested it since I had heard it wasn't working anymore, and I only wanted the plugin to load in the SPH/VAB anyways.
  14. Drop the editorextensions folder in the gamedata folder and you should be set. All you really need is just the .dll, the cs file is the source code and isn't needed to use the plugin.
  15. I've run into it as well, especially when adding on parts rotated sideways. It's coming from how the base editor is acting, so far I haven't found a way around it.
  16. Check that you didn't accidentally end up with 2 copies of the plugin in the gamedata or plugin folders (specifically the .dll), having 2 copies of the plugin loaded could cause this, otherwise the only thing I could think of would be another plugin thats hooked into the tab/v keys that might be interfering, but the extra plugin copy is more likely.
  17. Some of that I can't avoid - the stock editor still tries to set its own symmetry in the background and I go in just a split second afterwards and set it differently - sometimes that timing doesn't work out, especially when you have a part sitting on another symmetry part and it tries to change the symmetry while I'm not looking
  18. 35 now, but I would have loved this game when I was twelve. I spent a lot of time building model rockets from scratch back then, as well as seriously studying the science behind it all to refine my designs (it's no fun watching weeks worth of real effort explode). The best simulators I had at the time were calculators and some number crunching written in BASIC. It's all about attitude, not age.
  19. The current version should work in .20 (just wont expand the VAB size), probably will not work in .19 or older. the last KSP 0.20 version (v0.4) is here.
  20. That wasn't intentional, I did the 0.21 build in a bit of a rush and had the new dlls included in the release package by accident when I imported the new .21 libraries - I've removed them.
  21. Speaking as a developer myself, this is the #1 reason for me. I'm not new to software development, but I'm still new to Unity and KSP - there are mod ideas I'm working on, and being able to look at the KSP related code in other's mods is incredibly helpful to see how they were able to retrieve certain data and perform certain actions. There are many things regarding the KSP side of the API that others were able to find out through trial and error that are documented nowhere else. Putting all that out in the open helps bootstrap other devs.
  22. For those who don't recognize its IRL counterpart - the LCC (Launch Control Center) at the real KSC, next to the real VAB
  23. The current version on SpacePort will work in 0.20, it just doesn't enlarge the VAB. You can get the previous version for 0.20 here (this one will not work at all in 0.21): https://github.com/MachXXV/EditorExtensions/blob/master/Releases/EditorExtensions_v0.4.zip
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