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Everything posted by MachXXV

  1. You're spot on - when you do get a chance to try 0.21, you'll immediately recognize that it's just a PID tuning issue by watching the ASAS' behavior. I've been poking around with the possibility of adding a plugin to tune the controllers parameters, but first I need some refresher theory on PID controllers, it's been a long time since school, and it's not something I ever had to use professionally.
  2. Adding a GUI window is next on my list of features, I was holding off on that since I didn't know what was coming with .21
  3. I've updated Editor Extensions for .21: Release Thread previous versions won't work at all in 0.21
  4. Just did a quick update to fix some breaking issues in KSP v0.21, it doesn't like the camera changes and one tweak involving blocking hotkeys when you're typing in ship names. Should be working fine now.
  5. I've thought about skewing the camera around, but I've mostly been waiting for .21 before I add anything new
  6. Much respect for the attention to detail on Little Joe - particularly the inclined launch rig just like IRL!
  7. I think the berm should stay. If you run your aircraft off the runway, you're supposed to have a bad time.
  8. I like that idea, I'll have to try that next time I've got something with side mounted engines like that
  9. I love nice clean staging with sepatrons - here's a .gif of one of my designs
  10. Definitely sounds like something odd is happening to you, I tested this pretty thoroughly on clean PC and Mac builds and haven't seen any of the issues you're seeing (other than some occasional wierdness with sph/vab switching and forcing surface attachment, since in those cases I'm forcing the editor to behave in ways it wasn't designed to) are you seeing this just with existing crafts or with new crafts as well?
  11. No asparagus, but another vegetable themed staging scheme:
  12. Ahh ok - yes I used a different approach to cycle the symmetry than the old one used so that it would be more consistent
  13. First off, this is a beautiful mod. Tried it out and I found 2 things that would be nice to tweak. would it be possible to apply it at the center of the fairing, or at the base and the nose, so that the halves are blown straight out to the side? Sometimes I had the fairing collide with the lower stage. Also with some large fairings, I noticed that the two halves would separate slightly and wobble - one strut at the nose fixed it, but it would be nice if it dynamically attached the two halves at the nose.
  14. Just updated the plugin today - it sounds like you might have an 2nd copy of the plugin installed, or one of the older versions. Angle snap should be starting at 15, also symmetry can be increased past 8. VAB/SPH toggle has been added in this latest update. Eventually I want to make the plugin configurable so you can set your own preferences like these, but that's still a few weeks away.
  15. This was added in today's update - Alt+R for general/global toggle, and Shift+Alt+R to toggle radial attachment for those parts that normall have it disabled.
  16. Updated with the VAB/SPH size adjustments. Still doing research for what other new features I can put in.
  17. It will, I didn't include that in this version, I'll probably add it in tomorrow.
  18. Forgot to include it - download is updated with the source. It'll be cleaned up/commented better as I go along.
  19. Editor Extensions v2.12 For KSP v1.0.3 Changes in v2.12 - 23 June 2015 Fixed conflict with new angle snap behavior in KSP v1.0.3 editor. May introduce a flicker/twitch when changing angles, but has no negative effect. Changes in v2.11 Fixed conflict with new symmetry mode behavior in KSP v1.0.3 editor. May introduce a flicker/twitch when changing symmetry modes 1-8, but has no negative effect. Recompiled against KSP v1.0.3 binaries Skipped v2.9/.10 due to deployment/versioning issues Changes in v2.8 New strut and fuel line alignment logic U snaps strut/fuel line directly between parts, with each end at nearest top, bottom, middle or one-quarter position. Alt/Mod-U aligns strut at current height straight between parts, does not snap height on either end. Vertical/Horizontal alignment takes no action if part is currently attached to a node (green ball) Numpad . (period) centers camera around part under cursor. Incomplete feature - while refocused part dragging is offset. Hitting period with no part under cursor resets back to normal. Version History Download v2.12 from GitHub Download from KerbalStuff Download from Curse Or use the KSP CKAN Package Manager Features Allows custom levels of radial symmetry beyond the stock limitations. Horizontally and vertically center parts. Adds radial/angle snapping at 1,5,15,22.5,30,45,60, and 90 degrees. Angles are customizable. Toggle part clipping (From the cheat options) Re-Align placed struts and fuel lines between parts Toggle radial and node attachment of parts Reset hangar camera view Customize hotkeys KSP-AVC versioning support Vertical/Horizontal snap: Place the part, then once the part is placed, hover over the part with your mouse and press the Vertical or Horizontal snap hotkey. For vertical snap, part will center itself on the part lengthwise in the SPH Strut & Fuel line alignment Place the strut, then hover over the base/start of the strut (the first end placed) with the mouse, and press the hotkey. Strut/FL start and end with be snapped to the closest of either the middle, quarter, or end of the part, aligned directly between the two parts. Mod/Alt-U will reposition the strut/FL directly between the parts, but only level out the strut from the start/parent part. Default Keybindings V- Vertically center a part. Place the part, hover over it with the mouse, and press the hotkey. H- Horizontally center the part. Place the part, hover over it with the mouse, and press the hotkey. U- Place the strut, then hover over the base/start of the strut (the first end placed) with the mouse, and press the hotkey. X, Shift+X- Increase/Decrease symmetry level (Based on KSP's key map) Alt+X- Reset symmetry level (Based on KSP's key map) C, Shift+C- Increase/Decrease angle snap (Based on KSP's key map) Alt+C- Reset angle snap (Based on KSP's key map) T- Attachment mode: Toggle between surface and node attachment modes for all parts, and when a part is selected, will toggle surface attachment even when that part's config usually does not allow it. Alt+Z- Toggle part clipping (CAUTION: This is a cheat option) Space- When no part is selected, resets camera pitch and heading (straight ahead and level) Demonstration of strut alignment: Installation In your KSP GameData folder, delete any existing EditorExtensions folder.Download the zip file to your KSP GameData folder and unzip. Released under MIT license. Source available at GitHub: https://github.com/MachXXV/EditorExtensions
  20. I've had quite a bit if fun with rovers on the Mun, it's a nice challenge to tweak and test the designs out - http://youtu.be/8h56UytRdQU
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