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Everything posted by Avalon304

  1. Oh my bad... my mind parsed out the "The future" section. I feel dumb now.
  2. Does this also auto trim the gimbal to keep it pointed through CoM when flying?
  3. Knew it was coming... hadnt seen that he had released it. Gonna poke around with it and see how it works.
  4. We have configs for it, anyway. Its also possible that CoolRockets has changed something and they are outdated, but they are there.
  5. The current KSOS aready supports CoolRockets. I imagine its likely that future versions will possibly support it too.
  6. Open the zip files with your choice of uncompression program. As I recall, OS X comes with its own built in one. Locate your KSP directory. While holding the Option-key drag the GameData folder from inside the zip file into your main KSP directory and MERGE the folders. Please make sure you are merging them. And then you should be installed.
  7. That was a good video. He missed a few things, but it was very informative.
  8. I only have my personal liveries (which is what those modules are set for), I dont have the pack that we released, Im sure someone still has it, and theyre welcome to post it. If someone does, you'll have to know how to edit the modules to point to the proper files.
  9. Those file dont add the extra textures you need, they just enable the ability to switch between them.
  10. Because youre spreading the heat across a larger surface and all the parts can help absorb and radiate heat away. But yes, reentering from too high is a bad thing. I dont know what the upper safe limit is but I always figured 100km was a good safe middle.
  11. Are you using the craft files provided in the original post? If no, please consider using them. If, for some reason, you need to build a vehicle yourself, before placing the wheel on the vehicle, hit 'S' once to get the wheels rotated properly. No reinstall should be needed.
  12. Ive been keeping quiet in all this, mostly because Ive never used CKAN... but implying manually installing mods is a large hassle is just silly. No. It isnt hard, especially if its a mod that uses AVC, because that provides you a link to download the update. Updating installs with large amounts of mods is not hard. It is only mildly time consuming... ~~~ Personally, Im on the side of the mod authors... and really I dont think CKAN should accept listing from anyone other than the author or primary maintainer of the mod. If a mod author doesnt care enough to list his or her mod on CKAN, thats too bad.
  13. Module Manager patches can pretty much be placed anywhere in the GameData directory. For convenience, KSOS version 4.4 has a folder named 'Configs' located in *Your KSP Directory*/GameData/KSO/Configs/ where all of our Module Manager patches are located.
  14. What issues are you having with the separate packs? He did... he just put it in the wrong spot...
  15. Well the shuttle has no actual ablation surfaces on it, the heat tiles are just a texture, and weve used config values to attmept to give the shuttle good heat dissapation. How high are you reentering from? Ive found just flying nose first if entering from a 100km AP (or lower) works fine. Higher than that, will be mainly trial an error, as Im not able to test every possible reentry vector, but once you find what works, it should always work (barring KSP being a dumb and not simulating things the same each time).
  16. I know, and believe me we appreciate them... but some of those ideas would be so far off right now.
  17. It would probably surprise you to know that many of the preliminary descriptions and preliminary names for the EX parts are already done. As for your other suggestions, I know youre excited... but the EX is so far off at this current time... that it would be jumping the gun a bit. And I know you are excited, but you should really try to refrain from double posting if at all possible.
  18. If you go to the Spacedock pages for each of the packs you want you can click on 'Changelog' and find the appropriate version there. Please also remember to find the appropriate version of ALL the dependancies for your KSP version (including KM_Gimbal).
  19. I wanna say Firespitter is really only used by the space center vehicles now... but I am unsure.
  20. It hasnt. Ive tested them. Did you build the vehilce yourself, or use the latest craft files? If you built it yourself, you need to rotate the wheels properly. Hit 'S' once when you grab them out of the parts list.
  21. That isnt the question I asked. Are you using the craft files from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9963wdf4sbv2qhr/KSO-craftfiles-4.4.zip?dl=0 (these are linked in the first post above each of the individual packs).
  22. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14006682/KSO Super25 Block 5 (Energia).craft
  23. I'll have a dig around and see if I can find my Energia replica... but no, its not included with the craft files. If I can find it, I'll post it up again. (After being sure its still works properly in 1.1). That launch looks much like mine do stock (with just the craft files and stock SAS). There is something in your install thats giving you that very large yaw.
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